Third Trimester

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Word Count: 998 *Not proofread nor edited yet! sorry for any grammatical errors  

NEW NOTE: I changed the babies name from Hayley to Isabella Rose

Just a few days had passed and the girls and I apart from Lauren were just finishing up setting undetectable traps throughout the entire perimeter of our new dwelling with the murder of the Vampire who seek to harm Lauren we knew that someone would be coming soon so we couldn't take any chances of anyone coming close to harming her as the days went on the girls and I grew stronger  and wiser with Lauren's insight on her clan she taught us many things many tricks of the trade that her clan would most deffinatley try in order to get us into our weakest state of mind 

I was downstairs in my gym working out  and working out hard when I hear a faint scream it startled me enough to end my workout and head for the door but before I reached the doorknob the door swung open revealing  Camila, and Dinah

'"y/n come quick Lauren's water broke and she's trying to change!" Camila shouted before grabbing my arm and leading me up stairs to our room upon entering the room I noticed that the room was almost a war zone with Normani attempting to  clean the debris off of the floor broken glass and a dresser had been toppled over

"I'm sorry y/n I tried to calm her but she isn't having it maybe you can calm her down" I hear a deep growl from Lauren as she makes her way to the bed the girls parted ways to allow her by

"Here I've got you baby"  I coed softly in her ear as I led her to the bed Lauren gripped me tightly as she began humming in agony

"Y/N I  think its best if we have her start pushing immediately" Ally suggested I nodded my head as I sat by Lauren she began sweating profusely so much so that her hair was completely drenched

"Arrrrgghhhahhhhh!" as she began pushing

"It's okay sweetie push you're doing an amazing job!"  Normani shouted

"Oh my God it hurts!"  Lauren shouted as she gripped the sheets
I softly kissed her head and intertwined our hands together

"I know it hurts babe but you've got to push"  I cooed

A few hours passed and this time Lauren was ready I was ready Camila and Dinah were a bit squeamish decided to stand guard outside

"Okay Lauren I can see the babies head just one good push and it'll come right out you can do it!" ally urged

"Come on Lauren just one more good push"  Normani added

Lauren was drained from pushing earlier and she didn't look like she was ready for anything I ran my fingers through her hair as I encouraged her for one last push

"You can do it baby,you can do it"

I said softly And with one hard push the baby slipped right out

"It's a giiiirrlllllll!!!"  Normani and Ally shouted at that moment I felt faint from happiness I know it wasn't my child  but I would raise her as if she were and teach her the ways of the Wolf as well as Lauren teaching her the ways of the Vampire Lauren was NOW a full Hybrid half vampire/half werewolf and now her strength was almost unmatched only she didn't know it just yet.

"What happened!"  Dinah and Camila shouted as they burst through the door

"It's a girl!"  everyone shouted I suddenly felt faint and blacked out

(Time Forward)

I came to by the strong smell of what appeared to be ammonia I quickly jumped up but was quickly reassured that everything was okay

"Couldn't handle the birth huh?" Dinah asked sarcastically with a smirk strewn across her face

"Dinah be nice.." Ally said before smacking her in the arm

"Ouch! Well she fainted so" Dinah proclaimed as she walked off

"What happened?" I ask groggy as I rubbed my head

"Lauren had a baby and you hit the floor" Camila chimed in

"Can I see her!" I shouted as I sprung up from the bed

"Wait wait! They are asleep so you have to be very quiet Lauren had a hard labor and what she needs now more than anything is her rest" Ally added as she gently grabbed my arm

"I'll be quiet I swear I won't make noise" I assured her as I walked down the hallway I gently pushed the door open quietly closing it behind me there lay Lauren and the baby sleeping peacefully and quietly I stood for a minute and watched then they were so beautiful

Lauren smelled my scent and woke quickly only for a weak smile to cross her face

"Hey baby come sit down" she said as she beckoned me over to the bed I walked over to Lauren and sat down softly so that I wouldn't wake the baby

"She's so beautiful" I whispered as I gently rubbed the babies head

"How is she?" I asked

"She's been a little fussy but she finally settled down I guess she was hungry" Lauren giggled I stared at the baby for a minute and then back at Lauren before feeling something wet roll down my cheeks

"Awww baby why are you crying?" Lauren asked with a concerned smile

"I just I'm happy I feel like I've got everything I need right now speaking of which do you need anything? are you hungry? or hot? or thirsty? maybe you need an extra Pillow or-"

"babe i'm fine we are both fine I'm just a little tired" Lauren confessed as she raised the baby to her breast to breast feed her her little suckling gulps made me smile"

"what have you named her? I asked

"Isabella Rose" Lauren replied

"Isabella Rose.. that's a beautiful name... Hello Isabella I said as a smile crossed my face.

A/N Hope you guys liked this chapter!! I haven't updated this story  since April!! and I apologize please remember to vote,give feedback and leave comments! I love you guys!

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