Chapter 9 : Dilemma

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 It had been a few weeks before I had seen or heard from Lauren after the message she sent me I hadn't received any calls or messages from her since and I began to think the worst. She was set to be married off to the hansom douche bag in a month so I began to get nervous to think that she had maybe changed her mind about us in order to please her family well her father more importantly.I was suddenly snapped back to reality by  a soft knock on my front door. This made me put my guard up because I remember arming the perimeter before I got comfy. I stood up and walked towards the front door and peered out of the peephole and there stood Dani. I opened the door quickly and she rushed in carrying bags 

"Dani how'd you ge-" 

"Look Fallon, I need to lay low for a bit I got some people on my ass and I need to get shit sorted out"

she said as she nervously peered out of the window. I closed the door behind her. 

"Dani how did you know that I was here and more importantly how did you get in here?

" I followed you" she said her eyes still set out the window.

 I furrowed my brow with a puzzled look on my face though this was no surprise to me Dani and I had grown up together and she practically knew everything about me including the small heart shaped birthmark on my inner thigh. I could only wonder what type of trouble she was in now.

Dani, what did you do this time? I asked with a high level of concern in my voice

"Bad drug deal that went bust after the fuckin' cops burst in" she said as she stood in front of the fridge scoping out a few slices of raw roast beef in a container. 

"Well, they won't find you here I said and you are welcome to stay as long as you need to until this blows over" I told her. Dani came and sat across from me at the kitchen table. An awkward silence had began to fill the room until I glanced up and saw her eyeing me her eyes glowing a bit.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked her in a bit hesitant of her response .

"there was a girl here, I smell her" she said smirking You bitch you had a hooker here didn't you awww I knew you had it in you!" she said as she reached across the table and ruffled my hair

"DANI! cut it out! I yelled and chuckled a little "there was no Hooker here, there was a girl but she wasn't that and it's not what you think either" I protested.

"yeah sure, then who was she ?" she said winking at me as she sprinkled salt on her raw roast beef.

Remember the party we were at.. the Masquerade Ball? 

Dani nodded her head and scratched the back of her neck this was her tale tale sign of nervousness. 

"Well,"  I continued.

 she's set to be married next month and the guy that her parents arranged for her to marry she's not in love with because she loves someone else.. I said pausing to look at her reaction Dani was giving me a serious look but a curious one. 

"Wow that's fucked arranged marriages n all" she replied as if she had just completely missed what I had told her then it happened.

"so who's she in love with?  you?" she said with a chuckle I watched her as she shoved another slice of Roast Beef into her mouth.

I paused for a moment and replied "yeah, actually she is... and I am in love with her too" 

Dani dropped her Roast Beef and stared at me with her mouth open

"You're in love with a vampire! that's so risque!"  she shrieked 

"Andd now the entire world knows" I said rolling my eyes at her

"Dude how the fuck did this happen she's like  our sworn enemy" Dani said smiling mischievously 

"Yes, I know that Dani, But I don't care" I said staring down at the table 

"man you are becoming a rebel! oh hell what are your parents going to say or your brothers everyone! you're walking a fine line but your parents fucking worship you man I don't think they'll ever accept this " so.. you are seriously OK with this? like you don't hate me or anything?" I asked her 

"Fallon, you are my sister by blood.. how could I ever hate you? you are in love and you are going after what you love how could I ever dare to disagree with that?" she said looking me square in the eyes. 

I could tell that her words were true,honest, and sincere. I knew that when ever Danielle called me by my first name instead of saying "dude" that she really meant what she was saying. 

"So where is she? when can I meet her?" dani asked a bit anxiously 

" I don't know,I haven't heard from her in weeks" I told her I showed Dani the video that Lauren had sent me and we both agreed that she was incredibly in humanly beautiful

Dani was silent for a few minutes and then she looked at with with sincerity in her eyes.

"You have to fight for her I see her and I know she is what you need Fight for her and don't you allow ANYONE to tell you that your love isn't real or that it can't be I promise you I will protect you both even if it means death" 

she said, I could see the honesty and seriousness in her eyes yet this was a side of Danielle that I had never seen before I had no idea that she could be this passionate when it came to matters of the heart.

I guess the saying is true "Love conquers All"

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