Settling Down

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Word Count: 861 *Not yet Proofread *Not yet corrected for errors

I stood staring at the trunk of the car trying to make sure that we had everything we needed leaving everything behind was necessary knowing that our scent trail would carry and it would be easier for Lauren's clan to pick out of exact location.. I couldn't risk it not  with her being with child

"Is everything okay?" Lauren asked as she gently rubbed my back 

"Yeah, I was just taking one last look at this place I've got so many memories here" I said softly

Lauren rested her head on my shoulder  "I know.. and I hate that I'am ma-"

"Hey, no don't say that you're not making me leave this isn't anyone's fault Lauren we are leaving because I swore to protect you I won't go back on that promise" I said in a stern yet calm voice

Leaving wasn't even a matter of choice when it came to Lauren and the baby thinking about myself was the last thing that entered my mind they were more important to me than anything

Lauren and I drove for miles and miles we had probably no doubt covered at least over a thousand and with she and I both being mortals sleep wasn't entirely necessary except for her she needed as much rest as possible and rest she did each week Lauren's stomach grew and she slept a lot more we had settled into our new home in a quiet neighborhood gated with high level security Cameras surrounded every inch of our immaculate home I couldn't take any chances I had to be sure that Lauren would be completely safe  I was in the kitchen unpacking  while Lauren slept peacefully upstairs when suddenly a knock sounded on the front door startling me I wasn't expecting anyone so I immediately had my guard up

Upon opening the door I was met with a seemingly friendly face

"Hiii I'm so sorry to bother you but I saw that you guys moved in a few days ago  and we just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood" A short cheerful Latina approached me with a sunshine smile 

"I'm Ally, this is Camila,Dinah and Normani"  The short happy girl stated her smile never faded a small smile crossed my face  yet my guard was still up  I was extremely protective over Lauren  

"Um hi hello ladies"  I said as I guarded the door

"Hi"  they all said in unison  as they waved

"Hey she's kinda cute do you think she could be one of us?" a short Latina with chocolate brown eyes and a sweet smile whispered to the tall blonde girl

"Shhh Camila that's not allowed to be discussed" The tall blonde said subtly hitting the smaller girls arm

"Ouch well I'm just saying shes got the markings.." the small Latina girl said

at that moment I went into defensive mode

"What are you doing here! who sent you tell me now!" I yelled I felt my anger rising inside of me and I immediately thought about Lauren and the baby

"You have someone here.. someone who you love dearly she's pregnant and possibly in Danger" the shorter Latina whom I greeted at the door confessed I glanced up to see her eyes glowing green as she stood still attempting to get more information

"I said who are you!" I shouted once more before a deep growl escaped my throat NOW was NOT the time for games I was now ready to defend what was mine until the death if I had to

"relax it's okay I promise we are all here to help... I knew there was something we were meant to stick around for and well I guess you were it. may we come in" The short Latina asked kindly

"No, I don't trust you any of you I think you all should leave" I demanded 

The girls looked at me with worry on their faces yet they refused to budge

"If we leave you and your partner will no longer be protected please let us come inside so that we can talk further-"

"Baby what's going on I hear-" 

"Lauren go back upstairs it's not safe down here!" I shouted 

"What's going on?" Lauren demanded as she pushed past me

Just then Lauren began to change  her eyes began glowing red

"Who sent you!" she said her stare burning into the smaller girls eyes causing her to writhe in pain

"Please stop! we mean you no harm we are here to protect you we were summoned by Kane & Maverick"

the smaller girl confessed

"Lauren stop!" I shouted gently pulling her away 

"The smaller girl was now in a weakened state  and the other girls helped her up"

"you said that Kane & Maverick sent you.. where are your markings? Show me!" I demanded

 and almost as if at once the girls lifted their sleeves revealing the true markings of my pack the markings were sacred and only I could decipher them

"There are more of us than you think we all were sent here to make sure that nothing happens to you either of you we have powers that no Vampire clan can match you  and Lauren can not defeat the Jauregui clan on your own.. trust me you need us..."

A/N It's been a LONG TIME guys!!! I hope you liked the update!! stay tuned for another update coming tomorrow!! please comment,leave feedback,vote and share this story & add it to your reading lists!! love you guys! thank you so much for your follows and support!

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