Chapter 7: Closer .

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Wait.. I am falling in love with her..

I felt my heart race. I glanced down at Lauren who was strangely already looking at me

"Drink from me please Lauren or you will die" I asked her in a calm voice

"I can't it's forb-" I cut her off by reaching into my back pocket and pulling out a switchblade with a large razor sharp blade. I put the cold steel to my skin and sliced Lauren and I watched as the blood slowly began to drip down my arm

"Feed" I demanded my voice still sounding calm and gentle.

She glanced up at me and her eyes met mine

"Are you sure you don't have to do this" she said her voice even weaker than before.

"Lauren please you need this"

I said I glanced down to see my fingers running through her hair. Her eyes focused on my arm and then back at me.

"It's OK" I reassured her with a warm smile we both knew that this would mark the beginning to turmoil but that was the least of my worries now.

Lauren leaned down and began to feed from me I winced a little as I felt her razor sharp fangs dig deep into my flesh locking in their powerful grip. After she was finished she pulled away gently leaving a trail of blood dripping from my arm. I watched her discreetly as she carefully wiped the blood off of her mouth it was almost cat like.

"are you OK now?" I asked feeling a bit weak but I was OK.

Lauren did not speak. Instead, she nodded her head and gave me a half smile I could see the guilt in her eyes but she had nothing to be ashamed of. I glanced down at my swollen ,bleeding arm and then back at her I attempted to get up from the floor and staggered back down. Lauren came to my side

"Are you OK? did I take too much?" she asked with a high level of concern in her voice.

"No,No you didn't I am OK just a little weak but I am fine, can you grab me the first aid kit in that cabinet" I pointed to a cabinet on the bottom shelf of the kitchen counter.

For just as quickly as she left, she had returned first aid kit in hand. I started to reach for the white box and she stopped me

"No, you took care of me and now it's time for me to take care of you" she said sternly her green eyes burning into mine.

I allowed her to tend to my wound and I noticed that I couldn't help but stare at her the entire time. She was so beautiful and I began to see the life and color come back into her body. When Lauren finished bandaging me up, I stood up and headed up the stairs. I heard footsteps behind me and I knew that she was following me but I didn't mind. I led Lauren to a room down the hall

"I saw that your clothes had gotten ruined with my blood you must have been hungry" I said with a small smirk on my face.

Lauren glanced down at her clothes and back at me

"I'm sorry " she said sadly.

"it's OK I think I have a few things that you can fit" I told her reaching into a dresser drawer and pulling out a white t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Here you are I hope this is OK? if you'd like to take a shower it's just through that door (I pointed) every room has it's own bathroom so you don't have to worry about sharing " I said smiling warmly at her.

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