Chapter 15: The Aftermath

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Lauren stood quietly in front of me gently caressing my head in her hands as I cried silently to myself. Her gentle touch softened me ,and calmed the raging sea of anger that had been building up inside of me. She knelt down in front of me and gently raised my head out of my hands angling my face to look into her beautiful green eyes I watched as tears streamed down her face "I love you, I know you are hurting so much baby but I promise you we will get through this together" I nodded my head and sniffed I couldn't find the words to reply I couldn't speak my heart was breaking but I knew that I had done it all for her I was in love with Lauren madly,deeply, and truly in love with her and I knew that I would need her now more than ever. I felt extremley vulnerable. "Come on baby I'll run you a bath" she said as she stood up and turned to walk into the bathroom I took her hand she stopped and turned to look down at me. I held her hand in mine and stood up without any hesitation I pressed my lips against hers gently in a passionate kiss as I began to pull away I noticed that her eyes were still closed when she opened them I saw those striking green orbs stare into my blue eyes "I love you" I confessed as I gently touched her face she closed her eyes once more and smiled. Lauren took my hand and led me into the bathroom and began drawing a bath for me I looked down at my clothes and they were ripped and torn in some places, the remnants of blood and dirt splattered in careless blotches all over them. I began removing my clothes and winced. Lauren caught site of my pain and quickly came to my aid "your arm you have a bad cut" she said as she reached into the counter for a first aid kit "Here sit down let me take care of you" her voice was soft,sweet,and mellow she gestured for me to sit on the toilet and I did as she requested. I stared in curiosity as she began picking out gauze,and antiseptic,ointments and other things. Lauren. Knelt down beside me and gently cut the sleeve of my shirt then proceeded to clean my wound causing me to let out a low deep growl the pain was intense but I could handle it I glanced in the mirror and noticed that my eyes had a slight tenge of gold in them which meant that my body was in physical pain and needed to be healed or rather heal itself. Lauren took an antiseptic cloth and gently dabbed it around the deep gash in my arm I hissed and turned away "I'm sorry baby I know it hurts" she whispered as she concentrated on the wound she took great care in wrapping and bandaging the wound. After she was finished, I stood up and finished removing my clothes and slowly climbed into the battub. As Lauren turned to leave, I grabbed her by her arm and gently pulled her towards the bathtub "stay" I asked her as I stared into her eyes.. I needed her. She then turned on her heels and slowly began removing her clothes. I watched her undress not blinking for a second her body was so beautiful SHE was beautiful her curves were perfect and her pale skin shined in the bright lights her naked body was a work of art. I watched as she walked over to dim the light and slowly slipped into the bathtub with me resting her back against my front. I wrapped my arms around  her waist and she lay her head back on my chest as I rested my chin on her head  I interwined our fingers together. We sat in comfortable silence holding one another later that night we made love and it was beautiful,full of extreme passion,love, and longing for one another. I realized that I needed her much more than I thought...

Sorry I know you all have been waiting for an update for a while I am sorry that this update is so short the next chapter will be longer and more detailed iam in the process of updating 5 books at once so please bear with me on updates! As once again comment and vote!

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