A Small Bump - Chapter Three

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Sorry everyone for not uploading as my boyfriends internet has been down! Fortunately it's back up and running :D

Hope you all enjoy, any ideas you have for this story, feel free to leave 'em down the bottom in the comments!

Thanks for all the voters, commenters, readers and those fans of mine :) Much appreciated!!!


Lilly was careful driving into town along the winding roads, I could see the town peeking below the tree line. 

Lilly was explaining how we could turn the room next to mine into an ajoining one and make it into a nursery. I was laughing along with her about the colours and such.

"So, what would you like to have, boy or girl?" Lilly asked, 

"I'm not sure, as long as the baby is happy and healthy thats all that matters to me" I smiled, resting my hands on my belly, "I havn't even thought about what to buy" 

I sighed looking at Lilly, 

"Don't worry, I'm here, we can look at prams, cribs and more, today though, lets buy some things for you; clothes and such" Lilly grinned, "Baby stuff can come later on" Lilly drove into town, it was quite big for the area; a mall along with other shops surrounding it. 

We pulled up outside the mall and Lilly set off pulling me into a clothes store, we both searched the rack looking for items of interest.

"How about this?" Lilly held up a red shirt with rhinestones on the hip and a low neck line, 

"Looks like something a hooker would wear" I admitted making Lilly laugh. 

"Good point, come to think of it, the Alpha is holding a party this weekend, we need clothes for that" Lilly and I left the small store and walked into another, gorgeous clothes lined the racks, along with glittering jewellery and other items, I walked over to a blue piece of fabric and pulled it out, it was too gaudy with frills everywhere. 

I wanted a dress that complimeted my hair and eyes, along with the baby bump I would soon be sporting. I also wanted to be able to wear it again. 

Lilly picked up a red dress and held it against herself, 

"I don't know if the colour looks good" She admitted, 

I shook my head and pointed her to the blue rack, 

"Try something that's lighter, nothing too dark" I smiled and then headed for a black strappy dress with gold accents all over it, 

I held it against my frame and decided to try it on. 

I came out of the dressing room, the fabric flowing against my skin nicely,

"I don't know if it's that flattering" I sighed, and Lilly nodded,

"Something that flows out from your waist" She suggested, throwing me a green dress.

I tried it on, not liking it at all, 

Lilly did the same with a blue dress she picked out, 

"Lilly, it;s gorgeous, you have to wear that one" I gushed, smiling, 

Lilly grinned, twirling in the dress, 

"Definately, I do love it" 

I turned to the dresses as she went in search of some shoes and jewellery. I picked out a purple dress from the rack and tried it on, I twirled in the mirror liking the way the dress looked, diamenties lined the top of the sweetheart neckline, and a pink band just below my breasts helped the dress flow out. I would be able to remove the diamenties in the future so I could wear this dress to hide my bump.

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