A Small Bump - Chapter Five

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Two days had gone by to no avail, I had not found Emerson nor had any other clues to where he may be. Grayson and myself were beginning to grow tired, so deciding to rest we had stopped by a small clearing for the night.

The enforcers were sitting around the fire chatting and laughing while Grayson was hunting for food. I had decided to be the lookout; taking refuge in a tall tree and watching for any threat.

I was looking towards the East when I saw Grayson's wolf returning, he was dragging a large animal; a dear or a mountain lion; I couldnt be sure. I smiled at his capabilities and only wished I could shift so I could go out and run. 

I jumped down from my tree to sit around the fire with the boys; with how far away Grayson was he would be here shortly.

"So Luna, have you found your mate yet?" Jeremy turned to me, their heated conversation had suddenly stopped.

"No not yet, have you?" I had only met Jeremy fleetingly, I was in Grayson's office when he was leaving, 

"My mate is in another pack, unfortuantely she cannot leave as she has a very sick pup to look after" Jermey smiled, proud of his mates choice, 

"Is the pup yours?" I asked, 

"No, when she was 15 she fell pregnant, we met shortly after she gave birth. At 18 she fell pregnant again. The one she is carrying is mine" 

I nodded at Jeremy, 

"How old are you?" I was getting curious and enjoying the conversation, 

"I am 24, and Lilly is 18" Jeremy chuckled, "Cradle snatcher huh" he laughed again, chucking his head back and letting the cool air sweep over his face. I could tell he cared for his mate dearly, 

"Well Luna, how is it carrying a pup that is our enemy?" Dante asked, his face curious; another enforcer who I had only just been introduced to before we set out.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at him carefully, 

"Well, you have the enemy's child within your womb, how do you feel knowing that?" The boys had been told of the quest I was on, they knew there was a big chance the child could be born as the wolves saviour.

"I worry, I worry I wont be able to save him. If I fail at my plan to kill Emerson then I will forever know that the child I love and cherrish will be the one to kill me and my kind" I sighed and looked at Dante, "If your mate was in the same situation what would you do?" 

Dante looked at me thoughtfully for a second, 

"I have not found mine, but if she carried the same fate as you I would happily have her by my side and protect her, even if it meant being killed by what she carried in her belly" Dante smiled, "Why would I give up the chance of being with my mate, even if it were for 3 months"

The boys chuckled at Dante's words and gave him a slap on the back, 

"I hope you find your mate; she will be a very lucky girl" I smiled, resting my hands on my belly, I looked up at the other three wolves; Kyle, Jason and Harvey all watched me carefully, 

"Tell me, have you three found your mates?" I was curious now and I knew they were happy to share, 

"I have. I met her at a strip club, she was the best stripper there" Jason chuckled and began his story, "I saw her on one of the poles and straight away, I knew she was mine. I stood up, took my jacket off and pulled her from the stage. She wouldnt cover up for me and so I carried her out of the club and took her back to the packhouse. She is a human, who of course now knows of us. She is currently studying to be an engineer" Jasons eyes glistened with pride, and I couldnt help but want the same look given to me by my mate, 

The other two shook their heads at me when I turned to them, smiling, 

"I've not found my mate yet, but I'm sure he will turn up shortly" Kyle grinned, laughing at my shocked face.

"I didn't know" I stuttered,

"No one usually does, but yes, I am gay" Kyle laughed again and turned to Harvey who also smiled at me, 

"My mate is yet to be born" He smiled, making my mouth drop open, 


Harvey chuckled at my surprise and only shook his head, smiling at my confusion,

"I am only 19, my best friend who I thought was my mate fell pregnant and I couldn't help but feel a strange pull to her. She already had one pup but her second child is my mate. I will wait for however long I need to, just to be with her. Jeremy and I have discussed my being mates with his daughter and of course I will stand by Jeremy's wishes"

I was shocked, 

"So Harvey, your mate is Jeremy's unborn pup?"

"Strange isnt it?"

I nodded, as the boys all chuckled; they would have all known about each others mates and their private lives.

I glanced up as Grayson entered the clearing, the boys jumped up to help him with his catch. Suddenly a strange scent fell onto the camp.

I looked up, watching the boys stances change from relaxed to prepared, they watched the clearing closely and suddenly set out without a word, leaving Grayson and I alone.

"Theres a wolf nearby, a female" Grayson smiled at me and began to cut up the huge deer he had caught. I watched him carefully, my hands on my belly. 

"Do you think that you will find your mate soon?" I asked Grayson,

He smiled at me before he answered,

"I already have"

I was about to ask who when a loud screaming could be heard,

"LET ME GO" I looked up and saw Jeremy with a blonde haired woman, he shook his head at her and held her tighter, 

"What are you doing here?" Grayson demanded and she immediately wimpered, 

"I was following your scent, the scent of my mate" the woman smiled, her brown eyes staring Grayson down, 

I was about to ask her a question when Grayson looked at me to the new woman confused, 

"But, I have a mate" He whispered, looking at me, I watched him confused, wondering why he was telling me this, 

He suddenly pulled me up from the log I was sitting on, 

"Luna is my mate"


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