A Small Bump - Chapter Five

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I stared at Grayson shocked, then looked from the boys, to the girl and back to Grayson,

"Me?" My voice came out in a whisper of disbelief, the wind taking my words away and blowing them gently into the ears of the others.

"Luna, the minute I met you I knew that you were my mate, the way I felt a pull to you and how whenever I touched you I would feel the tingles. My wolf wants you, he needs you"

I stared at him shocked, yet the boys seemed to have already known about Grayson's claims,

"But her" I pointed to the girl, "What's your name?" I asked, motioning for Jeremy to let her go,

"My name is Livia" She smiled, watching me carefully,

"I feel no connection with her" Grayson shook his head,

"Are you sure his scent is the one?" I asked her, only to receive a nod.

I nodded back at her and turned to Grayson,

"I would know wouldn't I? If I were your mate?" I was curious now, and walked over to Grayson, laying my hand on his shoulder.

Sparks flew up my arm and I felt the pull, one I had not felt before,

"It was hidden because of the Treesyn child in your womb" Grayson smiled, "All it took was me to tell you"

I nodded at Grayson and then looked back at Livia.

Grayson noticed my hesitation and immediately demanded that we sit down and discuss this.

We all sat down around the fire and ate the deer that Grayson had caught, by the atmosphere I could tell that it was awkward for the boys. They had known I was Grayson's mate but wanted to wait for Grayson to tell me when the time was right. I could feel their eyes on me, watching me carefully, as if worried I would kill the other girl next to me,

I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous, though knew what was going on.

I spoke before I could stop myself,

"Grayson, I am your original mate, as we know I am meant to die. So Livia is your replacement mate. You will not feel a pull to her until I am dead" My hands flew to my mouth, wishing I did not sound so happy about the conclusion.

Livia looked at me then to Grayson and frowned,

"What do you mean your meant to die?" She asked, and I sighed,

We soon began telling her of the story and she stared at me with huge eyes,

"You are such a brave woman" Livia smiled, "It's an honor to meet you" Her eyes met mine and I could tell she was sincere. "I have no clue what I would do in the same situation"

I shrugged and looked back to Grayson.

"It only makes sense to take the mate you will have for the rest of your life, please don't choose me" I stood from the fire and walked to the tree line, taking my place on the ground I began first night shift,

I was happy for Grayson to be with Livia; he would be happy with her and wouldn't have to go through any heartbreak of losing the one he loved. She seemed like a nice girl and I knew they would make a cute couple.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, yet did not turn around,

"You did a very noble thing Luna" Jeremy said, sitting down next to me,

"Thank you" I continued to look around, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary,

"You truly deserve to be happy" Jeremy spoke, "You really do, you have a heart of gold and you don't seem to be the type of woman to hold grudges nor make selfish decisions" Jeremy sighed, "That is why Grayson will always choose you"

I looked up at Jeremy, confused.


Jeremy sighed again and this time made himself comfortable in the grass and leaves.

"Grayson was the one to tell me first that he knew you were his mate. He was so sure it was heartbreaking to see him so scared to tell you. He longs for you to know and he only wants the best for you. When we found out about the baby you are carrying he immediately grew even more inlove and protective of you and the child. He would do anything to keep you and make you his" Jeremy looked down at me, "His wolf has chosen, as he has also. You are the mate he loves and will cherish, accept that and love him back"

Jeremy's words were so wise and caring they brought me to tears,

"I don't want to hurt him" I sobbed, leaning into Jeremy's shoulder,

"Luna, he loves you and is prepared for everything that can possibly happen. Open your heart to him, as he opened his to you"

Jeremy gave me a squeeze before he stood and left me to my own thoughts.

I was soon joined by Kyle who was taking second night shift. I stood and left him to his thoughts, thinking about Grayson and what Jeremy had said.

Could I put Grayson through the pain of losing a mate? Should I allow myself to be happy? Should I trust in Grayson and my fate?


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