A Small Bump - Chapter Seven

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Hi Yall!

I'm sorry I've neglected this story so much; writers block flew in and then BAM I had a completely new story idea and concept; which just so happens to be "Beautifully Fallen" Please do check it out; my main characters mate has rejected her and she's pregnant with his kids... :)

Any who, this chapter will be part of my "Slow" Updates, after this chapter I will be re-writing most and adding in some more stuff as I have gotten quite a few messages from people asking me to continue; without further a do; please enjoy.

Also one last thing -.- The more comments the quicker the next upload is; I stopped this story as people weren't letting me know if they were interested! The more comments the quicker the next upload is made! OH AND DEDICATION IS TO ENDURING: she was the one who made me decide to write another chapter :)

This will be a short story too; it was intended only to be about 15 chapters long.


After three days of walking, sleeping and silence I finally decided to make conversation with Grayson,

"Can we please stop and rest the men; I understand you are angry and extremely pissed off at the fact your allies were brought down but these men are not chess pieces; they cant endure a full 3 days of travelling, besides we are only a day away from the lair" my voice was gentle yet firm; I didn't want to upset Grayson any further,

His eyes turned to me, his blue eyes so dark I almost cowered in fear,

"Tonight Luna you transform into a treesyn; it is a full moon and you will possibly harm us. I want to travel as close as I can to the lair"

"Please trust me Grayson, I have a pure heart; you know that; you know I cant kill anyone here"

Grayson seemed to think for a second before he sighed,

"MEN, we camp here tonight; we know what is going to happen with Luna, so I want everyone awake no shifts until she has become fully human again"

Everyone nodded, their eyes set in a down gaze.

We set up camp, knowing what would come in the next few hours.


Nightfall fell and as 10:00pm neared I began to grow scared; I was siting with Jeremy; he seemed to be the body guard to look after me, though I never complained.

"Relax Luna, the more fear you have the more evil will be able to nestle itself into your heart"

I nodded in understanding and took deep breaths; clearing my mind and soul.

Soon enough midnight hit; suddenly I was thrown backwards, my body aching and my bones felt like they were melting,

I struggled to breathe, the whole time Grayson sat in front of me;

"Relax Luna, don't fight it; deep breaths, stay calm"

I looked deep into Grayson's blue eyes, finding serenity and peace, everything around me changed into a dark colour; my body felt stretchy and I felt like my lungs were full of acid,

Grayson never once showed fear as I shifted into the enemy; my body feeling like it was engulfed in flames and acid.

I felt my skin burning and melting; my hair retracting back into my sludge body,

Soon I was standing, the smell of pure wolf blood settling in my nose,

"Grayson" My voice was raspy and thick; a burn in my throat told me I was craving blood.

A Small BumpNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ