A Small Bump - Chapter Four

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I awoke in the bedroom Lilly had shown me days ago. I was tired and felt like a heavy weight hung over my shoulders. Yesterday the Alpha had come to tell me of the tellings and I could only listen in saddness at my fate and my childs. 

I had to make a choice today; I had to either save my child and risk my life or allow the child inside of me to grow and die as he was born. 

I knew that I was having a boy; tellings never became false.

I rolled over onto my side and watched the walls, it had only been a week since Emerson had told me my fate. A week since I had found out that I was carrying the devils spawn.

I finally decided to get up, pulling the sheets off me I stood and made my way to the shower. As I turned on the water I couldn't help but think about my mate. If I met him, he would only have 8 months to know me before he would lose me to death. If I didn't meet him, he would never know about me, the child or how it would feel to love. 

I started to let the water wash over me; deep in thought.

What if my mate were here in the pack? What if I met them and they rejected me? Obviously it would be for their own benefit; who would want me, a woman with the devil inside of my womb. 

I rested my head against the shower wall, thinking about the week just passed; I had not met my mate, I had met the whole of the pack already as Grayson had to discuss the tellings to the pack. Many wolves would not meet my gaze, others sympathised with my fortelling of death. Others just stared and some left the room. Only one person seemed to accept me and what was to come; only one looked me in the eye and smiled at me, as if telling me it was all going to be ok.

Alpha Grayson had taken me through the gardens of the pack grounds, a full moon was to occure next week and already I knew what was going to transpire. 


"You do not hide from my gaze Alpha" I had been confused after the pack was dismissed and I was lead outside. The trees blocked out most of the moonlight; the goddess watching me, knowing her mate was soon to join her. 

Alpha Grayson picked some roses from the rose bushes lining the walls of the house.

"You confuse many Luna, you have a child growing in your womb; yin and yang. Of good will come to the enemy; bad to us, or good will come to us and bad to them. The pack does not understand fully what their fate will be. They have never trusted a single person with their lives before" Grayson turned to me smiling gently, 

"They trust you" I averted my eyes from his kind gaze.

"I am not one, I am just a leader; never have I been the one to hold their fate in their hands. I protect them and I love them. I had many rulers before me and they know only the line of protection that is passed down to all of them. You on the other hand have their whole fate tied to you. You must make the choice to save them"

I nodded, glancing down at my belly, 

"How can I not hate such creatures who fear for their lives and turn away from their own packs? How can I not hate the evil within me? How can I not hate the fates for this? I hate nothing, I understand their actions, yet cannot hate them" 

Grayson only smiled at me, continuing to pick the roses and other flowers within the gardens.

"Because Luna, your line was picked for just that reason. You were picked for your kind heart and wisdom. They knew you would never hate, nor despise such creatures who seal ones fate"

"But my mate will never know love; he will lose me before I can even have kids, marry him or more"

"Your mate will understand" Grayson turned, sighing and looked up at the moon. "You will transform on the full moon into a Treesyn. You will crave the blood of the innocent and you will crave deaths of many. Yet your heart will guide you to the salvation. Luna you will do many great things in the short time you live. Why, may I ask, are you not afraid of death?"

"How can I fear death when we all know that once we die, we live on with the moon goddess? How can I fear death knowing I will be with my son and his mate in heaven and be able to run free?"

Grayson turned to me slowly, smiling at me; his face lit up in the moonlight made him look godly and so kind. I wanted to reach out and place my hand on his face, but knew the action would cause problems. 

I only smiled back and watched him pick more flowers, the night slowly turning into daylight.


I turned off the shower; Grayson had been anything but kind to me. He had cancelled the dinner he planned for the pack and now he would guide me in my quest to kill the evil. I had to save those who were weak. 

I dried off and changed into black leggings and a black long sleeved shirt. I tied my hair into a ponytail and put on some black sneakers that Lilly had bought me. I made my way down to Grayson's office.

Grayson's door was open and I walked in, knowing he expected me. 

"Luna, we set out tonight for the Treesyns. We know they will not harm you or this pack and so, they will avoid you at all costs. We know Emerson is close; watching you to eliminate any threat to his off spring. You must do the rest" Grayson stood and lead me down the halls and outside to the grass.

"Why are you helping me?" The question was curious, and I knew I had to ask it.

Grayson smiled and turned to me, coming close, he placed his hands on my shoulders. 

"I only hope you figure it out soon Luna" Grayson tucked a stray strand of red hair behind my ear and turned back around, continuing to the fighting wolves on the grass. 

I followed, more curious than before. 

I was handed armour that would protect me from anything that would attack me, and given weapons I knew how to use. A sword hung at my side and I had a gun holstered at the opposite hip. 

"We set out at dark, be prepared" 


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