A Small Bump - Chapter Six

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I awoke to an argument in the early hours of the day, Grayson's voice was a hushed, harsh whisper and Livia's voice was anything but; it sounded like she was whining about something and I couldn't quite make out the conversation.

I stretched from my place on the floor; I was huddled in the swag one of the boys had brought with them; they had all agreed that since I couldn't shift due to being pregnant the boys would take turns carrying a lightweight swag with them for me. The boys would shift during the night to keep warm, their fur the perfect blanket.

I stood from the swag and began to roll it up, only to be stopped by Jeremy who knelt down and rolled it up himself. All the boys were oddly quiet and I couldn't help but wonder why.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting down as Jeremy rolled up the swag,

"Grayson has told Livia to go back to her pack, yet she wont; she wants to be with him" Jeremy sighed, "He told her he chose you as his mate, knowing full well she already has one"

"Livia has a mate?" I asked, astonished,

"Yes, she rejected him then a few months later came across Grayson's scent and decided to track him down." Jeremy rolled his eyes. "She's the type of female, much like Bridget" I nodded, Bridget and I had met once and she made it clear that I was not to be anywhere near Grayson; he was hers.

"So Grayson is rejecting her?" I asked,

"No, rejecting would mean that she would not have a mate, but she rejected her original mate and so him rejecting her would be nothing to her"

I nodded again, watching Jeremy throw the swag over his shoulder, his hand came down to help me off the ground; he swiftly pulled me up with one simple tug. We both walked over to where Kyle, Harvey and Grayson sat.

I sat down next to Jeremy, cautiously staying out of Grayson's way; his eyes met mine and he smiled sadly, an expression that made me want to sit with him and hug him.

I quickly looked away; my hand resting on my belly.

We stayed in camp for another hour while Grayson dealt with Livia, Jeremy and I began to scout out the scent of the Treesyns,  we were not that far from camp when Grayson and the others joined us, everyone was silent.

"We will move out now, and as night falls will set up camp. I have asked Harvey and Kyle to escourt Livia back to her pack where she will stay under punishment from her Alpha" Grayson had a straight face, he seemed to be angry with Livia, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl.

We swiftly began making our way East, following the scent of the enemy and hoping we would come across Emerson, unfortuantely we came across rouges instead.

Carefully we made our way around them, they didnt seem to want to fight but were wounded and weak.

"What brings a pack out here this far?" The oldest of the group asked when we sat down to treat them. As they were not threatening us we decided to help them.

"We are looking for Treesyns"  Jeremy stated, watching me patch the rouge up,

"Well, you're heading the right way. Three days from here is the Treesyn's layer where the head Treesyn stayes. We just passed this area looking for a pack to stay with when we were ambushed by them. Our pack was killed by Treesyns and now we have no where to go" The only conscience wolf stated, looking sad and lost,

"What is your name?" Grayson asked,

"Tim, I was the Beta of the Blue Moon Pack"

Graysons eyes grew large,

"You mean to tell me, our strongest ally of my pack was defeated?" Grayson frowned, and stood from the rouge. "If you continue West from here you will come to a pack boundry. This is my pack; tell them I sent you and tell them where you are from"

The wolves nodded before I finished cleaing their wounds.

Grayson farwelled them before we continued into the darkness, hoping to find the enemy.


I've started a new story called Beautifully Fallen -

When Amaryssa was forced from heaven she became a fallen angel, now she must learn to live in the world of humans while trying to fend off the devil that comes after her, only she soon meets and falls in love with a man, a man who is so rough and so arrogant, who is strange and different… A man who is a werewolf. Will Amaryssa beat Lucifer or will she forever be doomed in Hell?

Check it out :)

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