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"Hey, y'okay? I'm surprised you don't have a hoodie, you were smiling, I like it." Mark said in an attempt to cheer me up. I was going to change the subject, but I didn't have the strength, plus I was already a blubbering mess.
"Well, it's not too easy when you're the fucking laughingstock of the entire school." I spoke with a bitter attitude, but I didn't care, they ruined my perfect day.
"To be fair, I never heard of you before we met." Fucking lies!
"No 'Jolly Green Faggot'? That stuck for a while. Your friends are some of the worst ones. They started it all." Mark looked around with guilt in his eyes. After seemingly ages of silence, I spoke again.
"Just admit it, you were a part of the laughter before you met me." I gave a hostile glance, but he had a warm glow in his.
"Why are you like this? You made a quick switch from miserable to aggressive." I knew exactly why, but to put it into words, that's hard.
I sighed. "I'm sorry. I just.. I uh.. I..." Mark looked intently at me with such genuineness that made me feel like I was being stubborn.
"I get frustrated with myself. That's why I isolate myself, so I don't project my anger to others. Does that make any sense?" Probably not.
"Completely, I used to lash out on my parents all the time."
"Mark, why do you do this?" He sat up straight and faced me.
"Do what?"
"Why are you always so... caring? You have enough to worry about as is, why add more?"
"As I mentioned, I promised to never let anyone feel the way Zack did. You're a wonderful character, you're just blinded by other people's opinions. People who just see you as an easy target and don't have the privledge of knowing you."
"Mark, I don't deserve this. We both know I'm not gonna last very long." He let out a small whisper saying that I'll find out soon enough that I'm wrong.

I shoved my hat in my backpack before setting off to my first class clutching my binder in an attempt to hide some of my worst scars. I stared at the ground the whole way and almost walked into the wrong class twice. I quietly slid a chair out at the very back of the class, hoping I wouldn't be seen. Mark was quick to take his place next to me. I was half grateful because I could get the notes and borrow his glasses if need be. But at the same time, I needed nothing but to be alone at this very moment. He prodded at my sides, prodded at my thoughts. It broke my heart to do it, but I ignored him the whole time and pushed him away.


I tried to get jack to speak, but he simply wouldn't, I nudged him and felt a hard surface hit my arm. My heart dropped as I felt it. I shook him slightly, but no words resulted from my efforts. "Jack, please. Did I say something wrong? I didn't mean to hurt you." I pleaded but all he did was smile. I started to give up and write the notes on the board. My pencil danced a mechanical rhythm across the blue borders of my notebook and I saw Jack's do the same. Out of nowhere, it dropped out of his hand and he started to cough. I looked up, only to see him fall to the ground. His body twitched and my insides twisted. Once again, I had been right. His muscles tensed and relaxed at lightning speed as he choked on his own saliva. I panicked and tried to get him to be still when Mr. Green asked what was going on. The other kids started laughing and miming blow jobs my way. "I think he's having a seizure." I replied in a shaky voice. I can't lose him just yet. Mr. Green rushed over to look and walked over to his desk to phone the nurse. Moments later, they carried him to the health room on a stretcher. I couldn't help but wonder if he was okay. He has the potential to be a happy, lovable guy, but he's to blind to notice. I will make him see. I will show him who he is, whether he believes in it or not.


When I came to, I was welcomed by a diagram of the human body. When I say "came to," I mean when my body stopped freaking the fuck out. Shortly after, I passed out from exhaustion.

The Man Of My Nightmares (Septiplier) **DISCONTINUED**Where stories live. Discover now