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**MA'S POV**

Sean didn't answer, i guess he still doesn't feel good. I go downstairs and open the fridge to find something for breakfast. 


What was that? I must still be tired. I'm probably just too worried about my little boy.


No, that definitely came from upstairs. What is going on? I start making my way towards the stairs.


I panic and start running up the stairs three at a time. I get to Sean's door and everything is silent except for the pounding in my ears. I am afraid. The doorknob is cool to the touch. It's locked, of course. I quickly turned round and reached for a bobby pin that was on the bathroom sink. I shoved the key into the keyhole and jiggled it frantically. It took a second, but I heard the lock click open and I held my breath. Somehow, what I saw was not as bad as I expected. Sure, there was a lot of blood and my son was unconscious in the middle of it. I thought it would be more of a psychotic shitshow with words written in blood and the culprit bleeding from all directions. But not Sean, he was lying on the floor in just his boxers, bleeding from a twisted up hand. The room was a mess. My baby boy looks almost as skinny as Claire was when she died. I sigh and call 911.

"911, what is you're emergency?"
"I just found my son unconscious in his room. He's bleeding, I think he broke his hand."
"How long has he been unconscious?"
"Around 20 minutes?"

The woman on the other end said to apply pressure to the wound and I gave her our address. why didn't I expect this? He would never tell me the truth. I'm just his mother, after all. Not like I mean anything to him.

a/n: okay so it's super short because I'm the author I do what I like. and next chapter will be long.

The Man Of My Nightmares (Septiplier) **DISCONTINUED**जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें