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It was a beautiful sight early that Monday morning. The skies were a clear blue and the radio was pretty silent. First Grade Detective Danny Reagan sat in the drivers seat commanding the road as his partner Detective Maria Baez sat quietly beside him. The drive was calm and somewhat peaceful, something that seemed foreign with his job. But he didn't mind. He'd seen enough action in his years of service to be perfectly okay with a quiet tour. He was at ease, he was relaxed, and he was liking it. Then suddenly the radio began to buzz. A robbery call came over the air and Danny responded immediately after, being the closest to the situation.

"So much for a quiet afternoon," Baez said sounding slightly disappointed.

"Yeah," Danny agreed turning on the siren and speeding down the street. They sped past and swerved around cars as if they were in an action movie. They reached the store in rapid time, and the arrest didn't take them too long. They pulled up to the curb and got out hiding themselves behind the car, guns in hand. They moved from the car and kept their backs to wall keeping an eye on the actions going on inside. Danny looked to see a man dressed in all black, hood covering his head, with his back facing them. One hand was holding a gun that he was pointing at the cashier, while the other hand was holding a duffle bag he filled with cash. It all seemed way too easy, as he watched the robber back out of the bank, evidence for them in hand, heading right towards them. As soon as he was outside and in their sight, they took their chance.

"Police! Drop your weapon!" Danny shouted pointing his glock in his direction.

"Drop it!" Baez repeated. The man threw his hands in the air in defense and followed their directions. He slowly lowered his weapon and placed it carefully on the ground. Then he dropped the bag of money, and stood with his hands in the air. He turned around at Danny's request and was pressed against the car and patted down. Then Danny began to handcuff him and read him his rights.

"We bring in this punk, process him, and tour is over," Danny illustrated.

"Good work Reagan," Baez complemented him, prompting their robber to turn and look at him.

"You too partner," he returned.

"Your last name is Reagan?" the guy said.

"Hey you shut up," Danny commanded bitterly.

"Reagan," he continued, "no way. Reagan? Danny Reagan? Wow. Isn't this a small world? Weirdest reunion I've ever been apart of." Danny stood still looking the man over, a look a confusion gracing his features. He turned to look at his partner who was just as lost as he was, then returned his gaze back to the purp he had in hand.

"Do I know you or something?" Danny asked him.

"It's me. Karson. From Junior High," he said and Danny stood there frozen. He looked Karson dead in the eyes, as if to make sure he was telling him the truth. And in that moment memories began to enter his mind. Memories he wanted to forget forever. The relaxed feeling he once felt had turned into anger and hate. In that moment, he felt the sudden urge to rip Karson's head off, or at least smack it against the car hood a few times. He didn't turn to look at his partner, but he could feel her questioning stare on the back of his neck. He needed to do something. He needed to respond, to move. But he didn't want to talk to him, or even look at him. It just angered him even more.

"You remember me don't you?" Karson asked, but Danny didn't want to respond. He wasn't even looking at him anymore. He just stared in a distant space trying not to remember the days that made him hate the man standing before him. He left on okay terms with Karson, but what happened between them in Junior High, what he did to Danny, that was something that could never have been ignored.

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