Part 4

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The lights flashed and the sirens blared as the squad car barreled down the street heading for the nearest hospital. One of the other officers came out of the 12th precinct and helped Jaime get Danny into the nearest car, for they couldn't wait for a bus. Jaime tried to stay calm as his hands were covered in his brother's blood. He watched Danny carefully, frantically trying to keep him awake. He watched his big brother look around somewhat struggling to breathe. Jaime continued to apply pressure to the wound, as blood covered his fingers, and he tried to calm himself down. This couldn't be happening. Danny already had the Harley case. He didn't need this. He didn't deserve this. Who could've done this? Was it Harley? Did he know about the case? If he did who could've tipped him off? Ty? Ryder? They're the ones that knew Harley would do this. Was their warning really a threat?

"10 minutes Reagan!" Eddie shouted from the driver's seat.

"Where we takin' him?" Jaime asked.

"St. Vic's," she responded as she continued to swerve around cars.

"You hear that Danny?" he asked turning back to his brother, "you're gonna get help soon, okay? Just hold on."

"Linda......." Danny began, breathlessly, "Linda, she.....she....." His head began to droop and his eyes began to close. Jaime looked up from the gunshot wound to see this and began to panic. He couldn't close his eyes, he couldn't lose this battle.

"Danny? Danny, hey stay with me!" Jaime demanded, "don't do this to me, you hear me?!"

"I can't......" he answered in pain.

"Yes you can, just keep talking, okay keep your eyes on me okay?" Jaime pleaded.

"She's there," Danny stated.

"What do you mean she's there?" Jaime asked, "she's where?"

"Linda......" Danny continued, struggling to gain air to breathe, "St. Vic's...."

"She's there?!" Jaime concluded and Danny nodded. With that, Jaime removed his hands from Danny's side, pulled out his phone and began to dial Linda's number.


Meanwhile at St. Victor's, Linda, Danny's wife, stood behind the desk surrounded by other nurses rushing around the busy hospital, looking through her patient files. Then she grabbed her clipboard and her pen and began to turn away from the desk. Another nurse informed her of the patients that needed her and she walked away, leaving his phone at the desk, completely unaware that it sat on the table vibrating noisily with Jaime's home flashing across her screen.


Back in the car, Jaime hung up the phone in disappointment.

"No answer," he told his brother, only to look up to start panicking. Danny lay across the backseat without moving. He lay limp, his head resting to the side, his eyes beginning to flutter closed, as his energy began to deplete. Jaime soon began to worry that Danny wasn't going to make it to the hospital.

"No, no, no......Danny? Danny!" Jaime shouted, jumping into action, "come on stay with me, okay keep your eyes open. Don't do this....don't do this to me come on you can make it, alright do not close your eyes on me!......Danny!......Eddie?!"

"Almost there!" Eddie shouted back.

"Danny, please!" Jaime pleaded to his older brother as he watched him fall in and out of consciousness. He grabbed onto Danny's bloody hand, and the slight squeeze he received was the only thing giving him a shred of hope.

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