Part 7

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Moments later, Frank was standing with Erin in her trashed office as officers searched through the mess for evidence. It was clear that the action was no more than a simple scare tactic, and that Harley was trying to either distract them or get a rise out of them. But they weren't going to let that happen. The Reagans were determined to stop Harley one way or another. But Frank and Erin just couldn't agree on the plan to do so.

"No," Erin fought her father, "absolutely not."

"Erin he might be the only one that can stop him," Frank argued.

"There are other options dad," she continued, "we cannot put him through that."

"I don't like it anymore than you do but there aren't any other option. None that will actually be affective to draw him out," Frank explained, "Erin he got into your office undetected and made this much damage without anyone seeing. I'm not about to put this family on lockdown or put Danny through anymore hard times. But we do whatever it takes."

"There has to be another way," Erin refused. It was very clear to her father that this conversation was hurting her, "Harley could actually end up killing him this time."

"There's no guarantee he will," Frank tried to convince her, but it didn't work.

"There's no guarantee he won't," Erin told him and the two of them went silent afterwards. The two of them could not decide this just by themselves. This had to be decided by a third party. The party in question. Danny.


Later at St. Vic's Frank and Erin arrived at Danny's room and entered just as the detective woke up from what he considered to be a pretty restless sleep. A grateful smile came across his face as he sat up to greet his visitors.

"Hey," Danny said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Hey yourself," Erin said sounding slightly troubled. Then they went silent. Danny watched curiously as both Frank and Erin stood awkwardly smiling at him. They were hiding something; it was too obvious to miss.

"What's going on?" he asked them and they both looked nervous about answering the question which raised Danny's anxiety levels a bit. This didn't seem like something he would enjoy.

"We have an idea of what we can do to catch Harley for good," Erin said stiffly.

"What is it?" he asked cautiously.

"You," Frank began, "I was thinking that the only way would come out of hiding would be because of you. It happened the last time and it could happen again. If we find a way to contact him, you could draw him out." Danny sat silently absorbing what his father was saying, having an inner battle with himself. Part of him wanted to say yes. Go after Harley head on. He would no longer be the victim; he would be the victor. He would finally win, and he wouldn't have to fear this man anymore. But fear was also one of the reasons why he was hesitant to say yes. His anxiety levels began to rise again, and he found it hard to calm himself down. Harley was crazy and tried to kill him the last time they saw each other. He got under his skin and inside his head. That night in '82 was one that he had moved past and hoped to never have to relive again. It was one of the most terrifying nights of his life, and he never wanted to have to deal with Harley ever again. But here he was. There was no telling what would happen if he went through with this. It worried him and still frightened him. No. He couldn't let that happen. He was tired of being afraid. He wasn't one to live in fear and step away from things out of fear. He hated living his life in fear and was done being afraid of him.

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