Part 4 Continued

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Danny lay in darkness his mind feeling completely foggy. It was as if everything was spinning. His body felt like it was being weighed down. He couldn't move and his side felt sore. It must've been the drugs he was given. It was like all his bones were made of lead but he could still breathe. He could feel a plastic tube sitting on his face and he could feel fabric underneath his fingertips. Was he okay? Was he still on the stretcher? Where was he? Soon, everything started to feel weightless. The darkness began to lift and soon his body felt lighter. He moved his fingers along the fabric and soon his hearing came back to him rapidly. His ears picked up on the repeated beeping that filled the room. He took a breath and it seemed like it was just making him even more tired. Soon his eyes felt light and the darkness turned to light. He opened his eyes a crack and immediately closed them and turned away, the hospital lights blinding him. His eyes began to flutter as his head turned. He turned to the side and saw someone sleeping soundly in the chair next to his bed. Soon, as he continued to blink, his vision became clear and so did the image of the man in the chair. It looked like Jaime. Jaime stayed with him all night.

"Jaime?" he said in a faint raspy tone. He watched him slowly wake up and look right into his eyes. Jaime jumped out of his chair and walked right over to his bedside. There was a look of surprise and relief on his face, as he looked at him lying in the bed.

"Hey," Jaime finally said to him, "how you feeling?"

"As good as I can be I guess," he responded. He still felt exhausted, but he didn't care about that. He just wanted to see his family.

"Good," Jaime replied as he began to walk towards the door, "I'm gonna tell the others you're awake okay? I'll be right back." Danny nodded and gave his brother a faint smile as he left. He lay back and looked around at his quiet white room. There was no telling how long he was going to be staying there. He turned and looked out the window at the view he had from his room. He watched the cars drive by until his brother returned with company.

"Hey," he heard and turned to see his wife walking into the room. She walked right over to his bed and kissed him, and he couldn't be happier. Moments ago he thought he'd never get to see his family again. Or it was it hours? Either way, now he was surrounded by the ones he loved. The others began to file into the room and soon every person named Reagan was surrounding him.

"How you feeling?" Erin asked him.

"I'm alright," he said lightly. He tried to keep his eyes open; he just wanted to be in that moment.

"Do you remember what happened at all?" Frank asked in a sensitive tone, something Danny wasn't very used to hearing.

"He came out of nowhere," Danny began to explain, "I don't know where he came from or where he went." Silence began to fill the room. Danny lay back, frustrated. He just kept wishing he could do more. Wishing he could be of more help. Wishing he wasn't in that bed, but instead on the street. He may not have enjoyed working the case, but it was better than lying in the hospital, with every bone in his body feeling numb. If he had any reason for wanting to get out of the hospital faster than normal, it would be just so he could move freely. And just by glancing at his father he could tell that he could feel his frustrations. And soon, as the medication began to take him under, his nurse walked into the room.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," she said, then turned to look at Danny, "Detective, I'm going to take your family to get some coffee, and let them check back with you in a little while." Danny slightly nodded and offered up a faint smile as his family said their temporary goodbyes to him. He watched as they left and particularly watched his father, who was taking small steps towards the door. Then finally, he turned around and looked at Danny for a long while.

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