Part 1

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Danny stood in the corner of the box, away from the blinding light, reading over Karson's file for the billionth time. He was trying hard not to focus much on his past, and stay professional in the moment. Finally he put the file away and put his game face on, trying to look at Karson without a strike of resentment within him. He listened quickly and came out of the dark as his partner told Karson what was going to happen. They had plans to drop the robbery charges if he agreed to give them everything he new about his brother.

"I don't understand I thought I was being arrested?" Karson questioned.

"Well the thing is Mr. Garcia, you are on the NYPD's wanted list," Baez explained.

"Because..." Karson said waiting for further explanation, and Danny couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Because we need your help to solve an old case," she explained and he nodded before turning to look at Danny.

"Can't believe the last time we saw each other was Junior High," Karson began, "now you're just like your dad. But it's not like we didn't see that comin' am I right?"

"Yeah," Danny responded stiffly, the current conversation making him uneasy.

"Look we just need you to give us everything you know about your brother Harley, and the night of the incident," she continued.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Karson choked.

"Yes you do," Danny finally stepped in, "you know exactly what we're talking about, because you were there that night."

"Which night?"

"You know which night I mean," Danny countered coldly, with an undertone that left Baez looking at him in question. Something about him was off, she just didn't know what.

"Okay yeah I was there," Karson caved, "but you know that I didn't do anything."

"Exactly. You did nothing," Danny said his resentment coming out, prompting Baez to look at him again. She then turned back to Karson and began to continue the interrogation.

"Tell us what happened," she said.

"They followed him and jumped him," Karson explained, "I mean I was mad at him, jealous is more like it. And yeah we've fought before. But I was just kind of stood back."

"That's not all you did," Danny bit back, "tell us what you did."

"He tried to fight back and I pulled him off and threw him down. And then they took over again," Karson admitted and that left Danny fuming on the inside. Just then, someone knocked on the door, and he was more than happy to open it. He pulled the door open to find an officer standing outside.

"Yeah," he said.

"Sorry to interrupt detective but I was told to send you to the Lieutenant's office forthwith," the officer informed and Danny left, feeling more stressed than before. He was relieved that he didn't have to stay in the same room as Karson, but he really didn't want to deal with his boss recalculating his decisions and picking out everything he did wrong. First Karson, now this. His day went from relaxing to stressful in only a few moments. But his first assumptions were wrong, for when he opened the door he found his father standing in the office instead of his boss.

"Shut the door," his dad said sternly, and he did nothing but follow his orders.


Meanwhile, Erin sat at her desk back in her office trying her hardest to put together whatever she could from Karson's files to help Danny when a knock on the door pulled her away from her work. She looked up to see her younger brother, officer Jamie Reagan, walking through the door with coffees in hand and a smile on his face.

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