Lost and Found

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Chapter 3: Lost and Found

I wake up panting and bloody. The white eyed man had finally released me with a warning.

It hurt to move and my face was wet, meaning that I had been crying. Why did the demon want me?

I wince as I sit up and see Petra crying softly as the others looked worried. "Jesse!" She cries and hugs me.

"Petra? Are you okay?"

"No I'm not okay, you dope! You were whipped while you slept." She exclaims, punching me on the shoulder.

Olivia sat at the foot on my bed. "Yeah, Jesse. What happened?"

"This guy with white eyes was torturing me." I simply explain.

Petra's eyes go wide and she looks at Olivia. "You don't think-?"

"It can't be."

"What? What is it?" I ask.

"Jesse, the man you just described happens to be Herobrine."

"Herobrine? The Herobrine?" I ask.

"But wasn't he removed from Minecraftia years back?" Axel asks.

Olivia shrugs. "He had been removed after terrorizing Notch City 10 years ago. He couldn't have come back, unless..."

We wait for her to explain. "Well?" Lukas asks.

"Someone could've brought him back if they had the right code," she explains.

"But who would want Herobrine back in the world?"

Olivia pulls out a book and flips through the pages. "Someone altered the code so Herobrine would work under their orders."

We sit in silence. Axel pulls some TNT from his pocket and asks, "So how do we kill him?"

"Axel!" Olivia exclaims.

He shrugs. "This guy is hurting Jesse. How do we kill him."

Nobody answers because the answer is obvious. We can't kill him. He was an all powerful villain and we were just human. How could we even hurt him.

"How come he's targeting me and torturing me. If he's that powerful, then how come he hasn't destroyed us yet." Lukas asks, looking at Olivia's book.

"H-He said someone else needed me. He need me alive." I answer, earning shocked expressions from all of my friends.

Olivia searched her bag, calculating and piecing together everything we had concluded. "The guy who brought Herobrine back must be using him to get to you. Question is, who would want to hurt you?"

I was about to answer when we hear screams coming from outside the cave. "Help us!" A familiar voice yells.

"Aiden?" Lukas and I ask.

Axel removes the wall and we find three familiar faces with Ocelot leather jackets. They look at us in confusion. "Lukas? What are you doing here?" Aiden asks.

"Looking for you guys, I suppose. After we defeated the Witherstorm, you hadn't returned." He explains.

"Whose we? And what are you doing with these losers?" Gill asks.

"These losers are my friends. And Jesse destroyed the command block that freed everyone from the monster. The rest of us helped."

"Ok," Maya mutters.

Lukas rubbed his grey goggles which was something he did when he was nervous. "Where were you guys?" He finally asks.

"We were held captive by some guy with white eyes while another freed us." Gill explains.

"Herobrine?" Olivia asks.

"Don't you dare speak that devil's name!" Aiden exclaims.

"We've been having our own trouble with him," she goes on, ignoring Aiden's comment.

"How so?" Maya asks.

She points to me. "Jesse has been attacked."

"Is he possessed?" He asks.

Olivia slaps him. "No you idiot. He is not possessed."

"Not yet," I hear Gill mumble.

Petra stands up. "Look, we need to find the guy who summoned Herobrine and put a stop to this. Could you guys lead us there?"

Gill and Maya nod while Aiden shakes his head. "I am not going back there!"

"Fine, you can stay here if you want." I offer.

"I am not accepting an offer from you."

"Fine! Have it your way."

He shrugs and we say no more. "Lukas? Could you saddle the horses? We have a demon to find."


The shadow watched from the basement through a cauldron full of spyglass potion he had stolen from Ivor. The group had just set off in the direction of his home and they'd probably arrive within the next day or so.

"Herobrine!" He called to the darkness.

His creation appears and bows. "What is your need?"

"They're coming for us. I need you to hurry up and take over Jesse."

"But master-"

"No buts! I need him under your influence either before or by the time they get here."

"If I possess him-"

"Then he will destroy his friends, which is exactly what I want. I want him to feel true pain."

Herobrine smiles. "What better way to do that then make him kill his friends."

The shadow smiles. "Indeed. Jesse has ruined my reputation, taken away my fame, and made me look like fool to everyone in Minecraftia. Now he must pay."

"Master, the child bears great power."

"Yes, and that's why I want you to possess him, to keep him from using such power."

He nods. "I will begin now."

The creation teleports away and leaves the shadow to tend to the spyglass potion. "Soren!" The shadow calls.

"Y-Yes, sir." The red haired architect stutters

"Get ready. I have reason to believe that Jesse and his group of brats are on their way over here."

"But, sir, they helped me with the endermen project! I couldn't possibly hurt them anymore."

The shadow smiles evilly, his armor glinting in the faint light. "You won't be hurting them. You will lead them here and I will take care of them."

Soren nods before disappearing to the rooms above ground. "Jesse," he whispers to the cauldron, "you will pay for what's you've done, even if it's the last thing I do!"

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