The new guard

226 21 16

meaning of

Masayoshi : govern righteously

Takeshi : fierce warrior

Hayami : rare/unusual beauty

Normal POV

The sharp hollow sound made by the hooves of a horse on the floor was heard. The huge hand-carved oak gates swung open to let the guest enter . A young , well-built , handsome man wearing a shiny armor at his side rested his double edge sword, got off his horse and kept it in the royal stable. The mysterious man made his way towards the throne room.

As he entered the vast, well-decorated room, he was welcomed by a royal court guard who led him to the king. A man sitting on a gold-incrusted throne gazed at him from afar, king Masayoshi.

The unknown man bent on one knee , put his sword in front of him and bowed his head in respect to his ruler. "Raise your head."ordered the king. " Tell me your name ?". " I am Takeshi , son of the now deceased general of the second divison ,your majesty." He replied. " Second division..... Kenji is it ? He was a good man and a great general , it's really sad that he died in a war but it's also a honour because he died to protect his country."

"Indeed ,he was a great father too." Takeshi said in a nearly unaudible voice.

"Now, I assumed that you didn't come hear to talk about your father ,right?" the king said. " No,your majesty." "If you are as great as your father then I think that you will vow your life to protect my dear daughter." Masayoshi asked. " Of course ,your majesty. "Takeshi truthfully replied.

Meanwhile in one of the palace's room...........

A beautiful, elegant lady with long, straight jet-black hair sat in front of her make-up table looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her long flowing floral-patterned dress hugged her body perfectly showing well her body curves. Her midnight-blue eyes could pierce your soul and read your mind as an open book.

" your highness , his majesty is asking for you. " a maid informed her.

" For what ? " the young maiden asked with hint of irritation in her tone. " His majesty has something important to talk with you."the maid answered.The jet-black haired girl clicked her tongue ."That's not lady-like,princess."the maid reprimanded her.

Before getting inside the crown room ,she heard her father talking to another person but she couldn't define who was it. She peeked through the gap of the door to see the other party with whom her dad was talking .

"Dad ,did you asked for me ?" the maiden asked.

wow such a goddess ,i've heard that she was a beauty but never thought she was such a goddess. Takeshi thought as he was gazing at her in awestruck.

"Yes my dear. " the king replied. A big smile lit up his face as soon as he caught sight of his dear daughter. The princess raised an eyebrow and gave a questioning look at the man standing before her, she glared at him ,examining him from head to toe. " He is your new personal guard, he is assigned to protect you, my dear ."

Takeshi took the princess hand and kissed it , he then presented himself ,"My name is Takeshi ,I'm going to protect you from now on.I'll make sure to slay anyone who dare to hurt you , your highness." the purple-eyed guard bowed one hand over his heart to show his respect and faith to his mistress.

The princess rolled her beautiful midnight-blue eyes ,she knew that sooner or later that her little remaining freedom would be snatch away in an unfair manner.

In fact, the beautiful maiden is the one and only successor of the throne of the empire of Kaida , Princess Hayami Kaida. Just like her name indicated she had a rare beauty and many men tried to woo her but she shooed them away. Not only she was beautiful ,she was cunning , kind and her willpower could make a whole nation bowed before her feet.

Hayami turned to her father to face him. " I don't need a guard to follow me everywhere I go like a lost puppy." she exclaimed with anger clearly visible in her voice. " Of course not, he will not follow in the bathroom, darling." her father joked. " Quit joking dad ,I'm serious, I'm not a little girl anymore and I can protect myself" she defended.

"That's why ,and I'm serious, you are no little girl anymore now. Tomorrow will be your 19th birthday and my enemies will always try to harm the ones I love , you need to understand." the king replied sternly.

" But I learned horse ridding, sword fighting and archery,so what is the point of learning all these if I can't even protect myself !" Hayami half yelled. " Can you kill? Can you snatch away the life of a person? listen Hayami, I don't want your pure, white and delicate hands to be tainted with blood. I don't want you to neither set a foot in a bloodshed world nor your beautiful eyes to see a blood bath world." the king tried to reason her.


" No buts "

Hayami looked down at her feet in defeat ,she knew that she couldn't go against her father. She knew her father was right but she thought it was unfair for her not to be able to show her own strength. She was not those princess who acted like they were some fragile porcelain doll ,no she was those who wanted to sacrifice their life in order to protect their empire , the one who would do everything in their power to bring peace and prosperity to their nation, but her father was right she would never be able to kill someone. She didn't want to afflict pain to any family .

She sent a death glare to Takeshi before turning on her heels and went away without saying any single words. She however slammed the door with a loud thud.

" Sire ?" Takeshi asked the king hesitately.

"She doesn't want to hear reasons, her kindness and her devotion is her strength but also her weakness,such a thick-headed child. From now on Takeshi ,you have the duty to protect my daughter even if it cost you your life, understood?" the king said as he shook his head in defeat.

" Yes, your majesty."

Author's note:

This is a new story that I've written. I actually got the idea whilst listening to a chinese song.

Please reviews. Thank you >.<

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