The Plan

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They entered the fort and were stunned at what they saw. All the soldiers were laying motionless on the floor. Hayami covered her mouth in shock, unused to so much death."Are they .........dead?"

Before Takeshi could answer, they heard two men talking.


"Shh" Takeshi put his finger in front of his lips. Hayami nodded. Takeshi stealthily crept towards the source of the murmurs and spotted two men in rags."What are you doing?" Takeshi called out loudly. Shocked at being discovered, they tried to escape by the window but it was obstructed by metal bars. Takeshi seized the opportunity and smacked them in quick succession with the back of his sword.

"They are not dead,just unconscious." Takeshi said as he felt the faint pulse of the soldiers. "Of course they are not dead." one of the culprit said."What did you do to them?" Takeshi asked face to face with the other man who seemed much younger.He had long bangs covering his eyes."Don't try to do anything to him." his partner menaced."Kahin,don't answer."

"All the weapons in the armory are gone."Hayami said thoughtfully."So where are the weapons?" Takeshi inquired. "We don't know." he replied "I'm going to ask you once again.Where are the weapons?" he growled as he drew his sword.

"We don't know" he replied truthfully."We were only told to poison the food and make sure that every soldiers has eaten their food.There is another group who took care of the weapons." "Who's 'we'?" Takeshi asked.

"We don't know. But some of them look Erudian. Long hair and tattoos."

"Do you know where they are heading?"Takeshi asked."Yes,they are heading towards the abandoned Liyu fort." He answered. "What's your name?"Takeshi questioned further. "I'm Kobito and this is my little brother Kahin."

"You don't need to believe nor trust us, but we are willing to help you. Those men slaughtered our parents and destroyed our house in front of us.They captured us and made us work for them." he told them, anger and hatred in his voice.

Takeshi drew his sword above their heads and with one swift movement,cut the rope that tied them."Get up,you are going to lead us to your headquarters."Takeshi ordered."What are we going to do with the soldiers?" Hayami asked."The cure is kept in the chief"s bedroom."Kobito responded."Well then, let's get going."Takeshi spoke.

"We are stopping here for the night."Takeshi stated."I'm going to pick some woods to make a fire." Hayami said."No,you are staying here." Takeshi said in a serious tone."I am a girl not a disabled person." Takeshi didn't say anything and let her go. One of these days, she would regret saying that.

Hayami made a fire and Takeshi roasted the boar he had hunted.The two brothers ended up falling asleep first leaving Hayami and Takeshi alone. "Do you really believe their story?"Hayami asked as she watched the sparkling fire."I don't know.We will know soon enough but if it's true they had a really cruel fate."he replied watching the same fire. "We might also be dealing with Erudians. You'd better be on your toes. Their spies can be everywhere at once."

Hayami nodded. She had been cooped up in the palace her whole life, but even she knew about these men.

"We need a plan,we can't just barge in like that . We are going to take them by surprise."Hayami said."There are two men posted at the front door,the commander's bedroom is found at the end of a long corridor in the basement.The dungeon is also found in the basement on the two sides of the corridor."Kobito explained the structure of the fort.

"So the plan is............."

"You were able to find your way back. " a long man armed with a changdao sword stood in front of the main door asked in a mock amusement." Very funny, Tungha. I've caught two fools sneaking away while checking the Fort. "Kobito replied. " Bring them to the chief. " another man ordered." Get down, the chief is waiting. "

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