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3rd POV

" Are you planning to follow me wherever I go?" Hayami gritted through her teeth. Takeshi simply nodded, she was so pissed with his reply. She turned to face him and walked graciously to him. She caressed his forearm and her fingernails left twin raised welts down his forearm, "How much does my father pay you? If you quit I'll make sure you get the triple of it in a monthly basis. " she whispered near his ear. Takeshi could feel the hot breath on his ear and it sent a shiver down his spine.

" Sorry but your father does not pay me, I do it willingly and ......... I won't falter to my duty, even if you are using your beauty." he answered trying to stay compose.

Hayami hmphed before walking away. Takeshi let a breath which he didn't know he was holding escaped from his lips and trailed behind her .

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"HAH ! you must be joking, that's hilarious, father! " Hayami laughed at her father's words.

" I'm serious, my child, it is a ritual that every women in the royal family need to take part. " Masayoshi said sternly.

" Do you think that I want my soul to be connected to the one of this mountain monkey's soul, you must be joking. " Hayami snarled.

" Why do you think Takeshi is a mountain monkey?" the king asked.

" I don't know but he has the physics to be one but still i'm not doing it ."

The king face-palmed and looked at her with a serious face, "Now young girl, you will listen to me , you are going to do it whether you want it or not. " he commanded.

Hayami gulped and simply nodded and the king turned on his heels, "Oh, Hayami you will do everything the priestess instructs you without any objections, understood ? " he warned.

The priestess was a beautiful woman with big yellow-greyish eyes, she had a mid-thigh length white hair tied in a low ponytails with a red band. She was wearing a long black dress at the very end of the dress, white flowers were drawn and it had long flowing sleeves she had a smile that clearly showed kindness and sweetness. She seemed to be in her early thirties or late twenties.

"You don't need to be scared, the ritual is simple. I will need a few drops of both your blood in a vial and I will throw your blood in the great flame found in the temple of the goddess Yue-Lao(goddess of love and fraternity). Then, a bond will be forming between you two meaning that whatever one will be feeling, thinking the other one will feel the same and has the same thought or if one is in danger the other one will sense it. But the bond will be severed if one of the two connected will have what we call sex however if it happens that both of them make love to each other, the bond will strengthen until it become indestructible." the priestess explained with a soft and sweet tone.

Hayami was blushed seven shades of crimson at the word 'sex' while Takeshi smirked at her face.

" Why would I want to make love with this idiot?" Hayami scoffed.

"Sorry that I don't fit your criteria, your highness" Takeshi replied in a sarcastic tone, still trying to stay as calm as possible but failed miserably he was so pissed off by her character.

" How dare you ! I'll make sure I cut your sharp tongue with your own sword before I make you be executed so watch your filthy tongue. " hayami hissed.

" STOP ! that's not the way to proceed young people! " the priestess scolded both of them for their childishness as she shook her head back and forth . " If you keep having disagreements or fights, it won't work so you better stop and Hayami who knows what fate reserves you,nobody can know."

" Yes " they both said in unison in a small voice both looking either sides but not straight.

The priestess , Hayami and Takeshi made their way to the temple found in the east wing of the castle.

The room was lit up in a dim light with flames at each sides of the temple, a big statue of the goddess Yue-Lao dancing in the moonlit garden with her two dragons was erected straight in front of them, right in front of the statue was the great flame.

" Are you ready youngsters? " the priestess asked.

Hayami nodded and priestess handed her a dagger, the hilt of the dagger had two dragons carving around it. The blade was so polished that she could see her reflection in it.

She winced in pain as the blade cut through her white palm not too deep but enough for a few drops of blood to leak out, the priestess collected the blood in a vial and Takeshi did the same thing.

The priestess sang incantations before throwing the blood in the flame, the flame grew wilder and it seemed to dance to the song the priestess was singing. A white and black smoke were released and took the form of the two mystical dragons the white one was Ai (love) and the black one was Yuai (fraternity). Ai danced and snaked around Hayami, on the other-hand Yuai flew away all around temple and returned to hug the body of Takeshi. They turned around the princess and the guard before becoming one and dissipated.

Hayami and Takeshi looked at each other, " I don't feel any changes in me. " Hayami said. The priestess smile at them ," You don't feel it but it is present inside of your souls, now you have become one." she said.

Hayami followed by Takeshi went out of the temple. As soon as they stepped out, they saw everything in a brighter way. Takeshi's head was pounding and he felt a strange sensation in his body, he felt many emotions overflowed his soul, he was hearing voices and kept having fragments of the past of Hayami. The same thing happened to the princess. Her knees felt like jelly and she fell down.

Takeshi rushed to her side and reached out a hand to help her stand up which she hesitantly took, " sorry, I'm not feeling well, I'm going to my room to rest a bit, I think you should do the same." Hayami excused herself and made her way to her room.

Takeshi watched her back until it disappeared from his sight and turned on his heels to his room.

What was this? they thought at the same moment.



This is the second chapter of undying love. Hope you like it and please vote and reviews please. Thx :-)

P.s the girl on the photo is the Princess Hayami

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