Loveless Alliance

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"Takeshi, let's duel." Hayami said walking towards the warrior who was sitting on the floor, polishing his sword.

"Sorry princess, I don't duel with girls, especially when the said girl is the heir to the throne. I don't want to lose my head so soon," he replied as he slipped his sword back in its sheath.

"It's not a request but an order. And stop calling me 'princess', I'm a person like any other." she ordered

Takeshi shook his head and got up, "All right, let me go and pick up the swords." he said and made his way towards the armory.

He came back with two wooden swords and two simple edge swords. He handed her the wooden sword. " You must be kidding me, I want the steeled sword." she snickered. "We are going to use the wooden one for a starter." Takeshi explained. "You use one if you want to, but I want the simple edge sword." she pouted.

Takeshi sighed and gave up. They were going to fight with deadly weapons.

As Hayami took the sword, she nearly fell due to its heavy-weight. She lifted the sword and swung it but the weapon slipped out of her hands and flew towards Takeshi's head but he dodged it. The steel blade struck deep into the stone floor.

"Hey! Are you trying to kill me?" he asked. "Sorry." Hayami looked down at her hands.

" The way you stand is wrong, the way you position your sword too, everything is wrong." Takeshi scolded her. "Sorry, again?" she asked.

" I thought you had good swordsmanship and you don't need any protection? " he teased her.

"Haha, funny. "she replied sarcastically.

"No, honestly your trainer never told you that you were completely wrong? "he asked.

" No he was too scared that my father would execute him if he made a bad comment. He was a Juni exile, so his life depended on me learning how to fight. So he always says that everything I do is correct. "

"Then it seems that I need to teach you how to wield a sword but we are using the wooden one. I don't want to die young. I still want to marry and have kids." he said.

"Okay." Something about that last sentence bugged her.

" Open your feet, straighten your back, chin up. Hold the hilt firmly." Takeshi commanded as he paced around Hayami. He examined her body posture before holding her hands from the back and guided her every movement.

The warm touch of Takeshi's hands on hers left a tingling sensation on Hayami's hands. She blushed a shade of red at the closeness of their bodies. She felt intoxicated by the strong flowery smell of Takeshi. It was standard court scents, but... it just smelled special on him. Hayami watched the wooden sword and tried to encrypt each and every movements of it.

"Right, now you will try to do it by yourself." Takeshi said as he backed off to watch her.

Hayami closed her eyes to concentrate and tried to remember the moves and repeated them.

"Not bad, you still need some improvement though. Ok that's all for today and I think your dad needs to discuss something with you. "Takeshi said.

Hayami went back to her room to freshen up and headed to the throne room.

:~ :~ :~ :~ :~ : ~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~ :~

Today the room was empty. Two familiar men stood in front of her father. As soon as she entered the vast room, the emperor dismissed his bodyguard, the Black Blades. The ten men filed out of the room orderly and quietly. Hayami never managed to fathom how these foreign mercenaries could be this disciplined and restrained.

" Good morning governor Sian Woo and Kai. "Hayami greeted as she entered the room.

" Good morning your highness. " both father and son bowed and greeted back. Kai gave Hayami a dazzling smile.

" So today we are all here to discuss about the arranged marriage. "the king said.

Hayami shook her head and watched her dad with pleading eyes." I don't want to get married now. " she pleaded.

" Hayami stop being selfish, think about it, it's going to be beneficial to the kingdom. "her father replied.

"You don't need to hurry. Take all your time, we can wait for your answer." governor Sian Woo assured.

"No, no, you will not wait, we need more allies. Those Paksumites failed in their first plan so they might try something else and there are many other nations who want our fall, we can't let that happen. We've received reports that the Adai League is uniting all the Luar colonies under its banner. The Fire Clan can supply our troops with iron and military training, as well as defend our western borders. It's for the good of our nation." King masayoshi explained.

Hayami had no right to go against her father because everything he said was true. Many nations wanted nothing more than the total destruction of the Kaida Empire and they couldn't risk creating more enemies than allies. To the east, the Adai League. To the north, the savage Erudians. To the east, the nomadic hordes of Juni. And now a possible war with Paksum. Allies were few and far between. The only thing she could do was to comply to her father's wish.

"So what do you say my child? " masayoshi asked.

Hayami only stayed silent and looked the other way.

" Then I take your silence as a 'yes'. "the king said with a victorious smile." it's declared the alliance between the fire clan and kaida empire is confirmed. "

Hayami could only hope that someone save her from this marriage. She knew it was for the good of the empire, but did she not have her own will? Were allies so hard to find?


" Kai you need to seduce the princess and made her trust you , she seemed reluctant about this. You must get her trust so that she won't have any doubts and also make sure you break this spell between the princess and her guard, I don't want anyone to obstruct our path especially him." Sian Woo whispered to Kai as they walked in the corridor.

Little did they know that someone was listening to them.

Author's note :-

Hey guys here chapter 4 wish you like it. Oh I won't be updating for the next 2 weeks because of exams. Sorry >.<

this chapter is dedicated to Raadiya01, sasharmeen , Amy ragaven and iamnotasmartguy. Thank you to all of you, you are amazing friends.

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