Unexpected Guest

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  "Hayami " a voice called. Hayami turned around to see the one who was calling her. There stood a beautiful young lady with a sweet smile.


  "Yoshiko !" Hayami exclaimed in surprise. "Hey,Hayami ! How have you been?"Yoshiko asked. "Fine and you?"Hayami replied. "Fine too"

"Yoshiko,what are you doing here?" Hayami questioned. " Can't I come to visit my dear cousin?" Yoshiko responded to her question with a question. "Of course you can"

"Who is he?" the cousin asked pointing a finger at Takeshi. "Someone of no importance."Hayami quickly replied.

Takeshi resisted the urge to slap her across her face.

"Hmm" Yoshiko stared at the guard just like a wolf staring at its prey. She snapped back to reality when Hayami waved her hand in front of her face.

"Oh your majesty, my father will be here in a week." Yoshiko said in a a sweet lady-like manner. "Understood and it's a great pleasure to have you with us,"Masayoshi welcomed " A party will be held in your honour tonight." "Thank you,your majesty"Yoshiko bowed.

"How are your parents?" the princess inquired. "They are fine," she replied " Mother is still going on long trips and father is always busy with his business as usual. But they tried their best to spend some times with me." Hayami noticed a glimpse of sadness and loneliness in her voice.

"Umm Yoshiko, can I leave you alone? I need to attend some affairs with my father."Hayami asked. " I'm going to be fine, it's not the first time I've come here." Yoshiko replied back. "I'll just... be in the gardens."

Yoshiko roamed in the palace's corridors until she caught sight of Takeshi. He was training with the palace guards, he had a serious expression plastered on his face and was drenched in sweat. The way he wielded his sword, his self-assured footwork, his handsome face...

Yoshiko stared at him for quite an unusual period of time.

"Hayami, please explain yourself !" the emperor ordered. " As I told you, it was me who got the idea of this plan," she started " they stole the weapons and drugged the soldiers and on top of that they were Erudians. I thought of this plan to get back the weapons and at the same time get rid of those rats. It's not Takeshi's fault, he only followed my orders." "I will let this go but next time if something like that happen again, there will be consequences. Princesses should not be running around beating up spies." Masayoshi told his daughter "Now go, we can't let our guest alone."

"Yoshiko, what are you doing?" Hayami asked. She caught her cousin staring at her guard. "Nothing just wandering in the castle." Yoshiko replied. "You should not care nor take interest in a man like him" Hayami told her cousin. "Should I not?" came her response. "You should not." Hayami replied. "And why so ,dear?" Yoshiko defied her. "Because he's a peasant, a mere guard. You look for better men instead of a foolish commoner. He is not a noble and I'm sure your father would not approve of him." the princess grumbled.

The atmosphere between the two cousins tensed up. "And I thought you did not care about social difference." Yoshiko answered. "People change and I did change too" hayami replied. "People change for the better or for the worse but it seems that you have changed for the worse, dear cousin." the cousin replied in a sarcastic manner. "At least I change not like you who is still a selfish spoilt brat." Hayami retorted. Yoshiko muttered something under her breath before stomping away. Little did Hayami know that Takeshi overheard their conversation.

***During the party***

"Hayami, what happened between you and Yoshiko?" Masayoshi questioned his daughter. "Nothing happened,father." she replied. "Then why are you giving her the cold shoulder?" he asked again. Hayami shrugged and gave him an innocent look. Masayoshi sighed exasperated by his daughter's behaviour, "Listen,you are going to amend your mistakes and ask for forgiveness. I don't want any scandal, it's going to spoil our image." the emperor ordered her. "The last thing we need is the nobles losing faith in our family."

Hayami was bothered by something else to listen to her father. Since this morning Takeshi has been acting as if she doesn't exist. She went by his side and touched his arm but he avoided her touch."Why are you acting this way?" Hayami asked pissed off. "In which way am I acting, your highness?" Takeshi asked coldly. "You are cold towards me." she said annoyed by him. "I can't act familiar with you. Am I not a peasant? A mere guard? A foolish commoner ?" A man like me cannot be your friend, your highness." he muttered. "I did not mean it. I said it in a fit of anger. I.....don't know".

Takeshi shook his head before walking away.

That was true,Hayami did not know why she was angry. Her cousin had every right to love who she wanted to love.She could not oppose it.

"Hayami !" Yoshiko called out."Yes". "I don't want to fight with you" she said apologetically. "I too,I can't bear to stay mad at you." Hayami replied. "You are right, I should take interest in people of my rank" Yoshiko agreed. "You didn't tell me that you were engaged to the fire clan's heir." Yoshiko said, excited by the news. "I omitted it from our conversation." Hayami fake smiled.


Takeshi heard some noises in a nearby bush. "Kidei, you can come out." Takeshi spoke, "So any news ?" "Yes,as you already know, the one who wants to eliminate the emperor is closed to him,I'm doubting someone but I need proof." he explained. "Kidei, for whom do you work ?" takeshi asked out of the blue. "I work for nobody. What makes you think so?" he asked, surprised by his sudden question. "I know you too well, you are not the carefree boy of long ago." Takeshi told him. " For whom I work is not important but what's important is to find the one who wants the death of the emperor." Kidei said. "Yeah you are right."

"Good evening,ladies" Kai greeted, he took Yoshiko's hand and kissed it, " It is a pleasure to meet you,lady Yoshiko." She giggled in response. "the pleasure is mine." Hayami rolled her eyes, annoyed by Kai's flirty self. "May I speak to you,your highness?" Kai inquired. "Yes" Hayami replied. "How about a stroll in the rose garden." the fire clan's heir asked. "Sounds great." Hayami replied noncommittally. Yoshiko was long gone, she was flirting with with young nobles.

"Your highness,I'm s-" Kai was cut off by Hayami "Call me by my name." "Ok then, Hayami, I am deeply sorry for the last time." he said regretfully. "It was long forgotten so you do not need to worry." Hayami reassured him. "I was driven by lust, normally I am not like that but I was overwhelmed by the beauty who soon will be mine and only." Kai spoke, caressing Hayami's right cheek. He smiled at her, she responded by a smile too but a sad one.

Takeshi overheard their conversation. His duty to protect the princess will end as fast as it has started.


Hey guys! I just want to let you know that I won't be updating for a really long time 'cause exams are starting and I'll be busy with revision and all. Sorry for this >.<

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