Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

Adrian woke up the next morning to kittens walking over him curiously. He opened his eyes to see the kitten he'd picked up yesterday curled up next to him. He assumed that the three sets of paws on his back and legs were Chairman Meow and his other two siblings.

The teenager lay still unsure on how to move without causing the kittens to fall off of him. Reaching to the side slightly he moved his hand. The movement thankfully caught the attention of the three kittens causing them to jump off of him.

Adrian immediately sat up reaching across to each of the four kittens and placing them back down on the floor one by one. Once he had finished he lay back down, closing his eyes to fall back asleep. Within a minute there was a slight shift in the bed accompanied by fur tickling his arm. Opening one eye he saw the same kitten curled up next to him again. He decided to leave the kitten there. It wasn't causing him any harm.

He had almost fell back asleep when he felt a kitten jump back onto the bed walking over him to get to the other side closely followed by two more. Yawning tiredly he sat up again and repeated the process of getting them back down to the floor but this time left the sleeping kitten beside him.

Sighing softly to himself he once again tried to fall back asleep. Once again the kittens returned.

He mentally cursed Magnus for taking in the kittens as he pulled himself up out of bed. Walking over to the door he opened it watching as the kittens tumbled out one by one. Counting three he turned back around to see the fourth still curled up where he left it. The kitten noticed him and mewled in protest.

Walking back over he picked up the kitten, carrying it out.

Adrian was about to put the cat down when he heard the sound of faint voices from another area of the apartment. He knew that it was probably Magnus and a fellow warlock whom was probably asking for advice about hiding from Valentine but he decided to check it out anyway.

Walking down the hallway shirtless with only sweatpants carrying a kitten as well as three others following behind, he probably looked ridiculous but he didn't particularly mind. He knew most of the warlocks and none of them would care.

"Magnus-" Adrian started walking into the room only to immediately stop. He was pretty sure that in that moment he closely resembled a startled rabbit. A startled rabbit that wanted to bury itself in a hole and never leave.

As soon as he'd stepped through the door the surprised gazes of none other than his sister, Jace Wayland, Alec Lightwood and Isabelle Lightwood landed on him. Oh, how much he loved his life.

All of them had probably formed the wrong opinion. He didn't exactly blame them. Here he was casually shirtless wandering around the warlocks house with severely messed up hair. The hair was actually the result of nightmares but none of them knew that.

Adrian cast his gaze over to the high warlock of Brooklyn who shrugged innocently. "You're sisters here."

"I can see that." He sighed wishing the ground would just swallow him. "I'm going to go and get changed."

He placed the kitten down before backing out of the room faster than he had ever thought possible. Closing the door, Adrian groaned leaning against it. What a great start to the morning.

Hopefully the kittens would distract them enough to make them forget that they ever saw him.

Adrian pushed off the door about to head back down the corridor when the door opened again and Magnus slipped out. The immortal warlock closed the door behind him.

"I was going to tell you that they were here but I hadn't had chance yet." Magnus muttered, his voice quiet so that the Shadowhunters in the next room wouldn't be able to hear.

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