Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Adrian wasn't really sure where he was anymore. After going to see Jace about the necklace and the events that had followed, he'd wordlessly left. From there, Adrian had blankly wandered around the Institute with no destination in mind.

"There you are." Isabelle Lightwood spoke as she walked around the corner of the corridor. "I've been looking for you and your sister."

"You have?"

"Jace told me about Clary's necklace."

He paused thinking about what to say but in the end all that escaped his lips was a quiet "Oh."

Adrian didn't know what to do or say. His mind was racing with thoughts of his unconscious mother trapped with his psychotic father. Before Clary had explained what she had seen through the portal shard, it hadn't seemed real.

Jocelyn Fray was one of the strongest and most determined people that Adrian knew, her being kidnapped had never even seemed like a possibility before.

"Are you okay?" Isabelle asked, her tone sincere.

"Realistically I know that the necklace is dangerous and I know that the best thing is to have it kept away where Valentine won't be able to use it to his advantage but it's difficult to think clearly when it's someone you care about in danger."

"I get it. She's you're family. You love her and you'd do anything to protect her." She spoke as she turned to walk back down the corridor gesturing for Adrian to follow her. The pair walked in silence for a few seconds. "What's she like? Your mother?"

"She was- is the strongest person I know." Adrian corrected himself. "She would do anything to protect Clary and I. In fact, everything she did was centred around that. She would also always do whatever she could to make us happy. Sometimes she'd seem more like a friend than a mom."

"She sounds amazing." Isabelle spoke. He glanced over to her detecting the slight change in emotion in her voice but he couldn't figure out what it was.

"She was." Adrian nodded before noticing his use of past tense. "Is."

He fell into silence as the two of them turned around the corner of the corridor and saw Clary sat on a grey square seat.

"There you are." She spoke announcing her presence. Her face softened as she noticed the sad expression on Clary's face. "Are you ok?"

"I saw my mum." Clary hesitated. "Then your brother..."

Isabelle sat down next to Clary on the square seat. Adrian just hovered awkwardly on the other side of his sister, leaning against the wall.

"I heard. And believe me, there have been many times where I wanted to kill Alec."

They both sighed.

This was even more awkward than his own conversation with Isabelle.

"Look I know my brother can be a real pain in the ass..." Isabelle started. His sister chuckled. "But he means well." Adrian couldn't help but agree with Izzy on both accounts. "That necklace is very dangerous."

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