Chapter 11

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Nervous, nervous, and very nervous-if had to describe himself in three words or less, that would be it.

This wasn't even his first time and he had jitters. Honestly, he was calmer when he was fighting his old man; and his old man was easy to beat. Terrance and Megan... they were different. Everyone who's ever tried to take the title from him was different than Saoirse.

Every nerve ending was burning him underneath his skin-that tingly, excited feeling he usually got before a Tribunal was non-existent. Walking behind Ellis, with Saoirse by his side, felt wrong all of a sudden. Part of him figured he shouldn't have eaten that second roast beef sandwich, but when he got nervous he had to eat.

He tried so damn hard to look calm around De Rais, only because he didn't want her to freak out and trigger another blackout. But now it began to show-it showed with how tensely he walked, and how rapidly he clenched and unclenched his fists. He could feel the sweat begin to slowly drip down his back.

He gave a quick shake of his body to get rid of some of the tension, immediately he gave a short chuckle-a crazy sounding laugh that caused Ellis to give him a strange, curious look before he turned back.

The makeshift arena was lit with fires and fairy lights everywhere. Each seat seemed to be filled, but the seven important ones in the front only had three people.

Thank God, he sighed. Only two showed up.

As rules suggested, only two Elders had to be present during a Tribunal-they weren't all needed. One of the Elders was older, with gray and thinning hair that covered only the sides of his head, leaving a shiny bald spot. The other... the other caused Bo to stop dead in his tracks.

Instantly he felt like a child about to be punished.

"William Church," he heard Saoirse mumble.

Of course she would recognize his dad.

His father was only a few inches taller than him. He'd put on a few pounds, but becoming an Elder was practically retirement for them. They didn't have to do much except deliver fair and justified verdicts and orders. Still, he didn't look a day over forty. Bo's only problem was that it was his father who would be observing the Tribunal.

His first thought was that Enzo asked for his father specifically.

He gave a scared sideways glance at Saoirse, who seemed to be in awe of him.

"Bo Paxton Church," his father exclaimed as he moved from one of the front row seats and toward him. Bo found himself inching farther back.

He loved his father, but he also scared him. More importantly, his opinions on the current situation scared him. But he felt Saoirse's hand grip his elbow as if to keep him in place.

"Dad," he retorted quickly, snapping a glare in Saoirse's direction.

"You let a Wildling become an Alpha."

He snorted. "Saoirse got the upper hand."

"A Wildling."

At least it wasn't as nasty sounding as when Ellis said it. But he caught wind of a low chuckle coming from Enzo. As Saoirse's fingers slowly slipped away from his elbow, he felt a sharp pang of anger in his gut.

"William Church," he began. He wasn't in the mood to be scolded or lectured. He knew where he went wrong. He knew how to fix it. His father taught him well. "I've asked you here today to witness as I fight for the role of Alpha."

Little Bit Dangerous | 1 | TO BE PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now