Chapter 27

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( a/n ) Okay, so this chapter--this chapter

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( a/n ) Okay, so this chapter--this chapter. You have absolutely no idea how much I've wanted you to read this chapter. There's a scene in this chapter that I wrote months ago, because I knew that it would be end game (note, this is not the end of the book, it's just very important). So, I hope you guys enjoy the hell out of this book, and I wait to read you comments and see what you think of it. xoxo love you all!

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There was a gun pointed to his head.

In the few seconds that passed, Bo had shoved Saoirse behind him, ready to shield her from whatever Enzo's men had planned. But in the blink of an eye, he felt the cold muzzle against his temple and heard the click of the hammer on the revolver. He sucked in a sharp breath, reaching back for Saoirse's hand.

Nothing good lasted forever. That morning had been perfect—utterly fucking perfect. It never occurred to him that he wanted to wake up with Saoirse curled against his side for the rest of his life, but he knew now. He was happy; life was good. But it never lasted, not with them. And deep down, he knew the truth. He could be as hopeful as he wanted, but really, he knew that it wouldn't last.

Enzo would never agree to the bargain.

Enzo was stubborn—he was an ambitious asshole. He was greedy, and ruthless. He knew what he wanted, and he knew the right way to take it. But Bo was standing in the way. Hell, Bo was just an added bonus. To Enzo, he and Saoirse were the perfect package deal; killing them would be a two-for-one special.

"You don't want all of Doherty comin' after you," Bo bargained, leaning his head away from the gun, only to have it shoved back against his skin. "You kill us they'll put you through hell."

"For you, maybe," Enzo said, scoffing. "But they don't care about her. They'll be grateful once she's dead."

"She's their Alpha."

The gun began to dig into the flesh of his temple, and Bo gave a deep hiss. His teeth clenched. In his periphery, he counted four men—two were thin, weak-looking, and he knew he could take them on his own. But the other were well-built. It'd take both him and De Rais to knock 'em out. The only advantage Enzo's men had was the gun, and he could practically feel the silver bullets buried deep in the cylinder. He couldn't outrun a speeding bullet.

He just needed a chance to knock it out of the bastard's hand.

Enzo stepped forward, smoothing out the wrinkles in his shirt. As he rolled up his sleeves, he gave a sharp whistle.

Bo heard the struggle behind him; the bulkier men had disappeared behind him to grab Saoirse. The man with the gun quickly grabbed Bo's shoulder and shoved him down onto his knees. Fuck, it was going to get ugly real soon.

"You know," Enzo began, his gaze flicking toward Saoirse as she was forced to the ground beside Bo. "I was really hoping you were stupid. It's what trailer trash like you are know for, isn't it? No—you had to be the anomaly. You had to be the one with a brain."

Little Bit Dangerous | 1 | TO BE PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now