Chapter 3 The Good News

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The next day Michael came home to Ella to tell her great news. He was so excited he bought her chocolates and their 4th copy of "Sounds Good Feels Good". That's when Ella knew their was good news.
"Were moving!"
Ella's smile turned to a frown. "Moving?" She managed to say.
Michael came over and hugged her. "Calm down silly, were not moving away, just switching houses. I'm having an penthouse built for us and the rest of the band to stay in. What do you think?
That way we can all practice playing and still have our own space. I personally think it's brilliant."
Ella's smile beamed, " Your ideas are always brilliant, Silly."

The next morning they took their usual morning walk, this time they took a different route though. "Michael,where are we going? Aren't we going through the dog park?"
He smiled, "Not anymore."Were having a dog park built into the penthouse. You can keep a little over 40 dogs or cats in there."
Ella clapped her hands in delight and squealed. The man of her dreams and a dog park in their own home!

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