Chapter 12 Andy Black Blackout

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PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT HATE ME BECAUSE I USED JULIET SIMMS THE WAY I AM IN THIS BOOK. IT'S PURE FICTION. SHE IS A LOVELY WOMAN. Don't hate me please!!I realize they're married in real life I respect that. It's kinda an 'I wish' thing. No hate please!!🙏🙏🙏 Btw, I personally think this chapter is a bit emotional.

Ella and Ashton walked into a dark room where loads of people were dancing and singing back what the singer on stage sang. It was Kyra's boyfriend Andy's first concert on his solo album.
"Hey he got a haircut!"Ella exclaimed.
Ashton laughed, "You mean that emo lama?" He pointed at Andy.
Ella nudged his side. "Don't be rude, here comes Kyra."
Kyra walked up to them and gave them both hugs. "Glad you guys could make it! I hope the security didn't give you any trouble."
"No, she only fangirled over Ashton." Ella gave a very unenthusiastic glare.
Kyra smiled, "The show is almost over. Andy only has to sing Savior, then he's done. Do you know a chick named Juliet Simms? She's been sneaking around this area I hear people say. Apparently she wants to get back with Andy because she's pregnant."
"Wow. That sounds pretty desperate. You gonna let Andy talk with her if she shows up?" Ella asked.
Kyra frowned then threw her arms in the air." I'm not his mother!"
Ashton gazed at Andy. He is kinda pretty, like a spicy cheetoh.
"What if she is actually pregnant??"Ella asked.
Kyra looked down. " She can't be, I'd feel obligated to letting Andy go back with her. When it comes to kids they're more important. They deserve a mother and a father. You should know this Ella. It's rough."
Ella looked at the floor. She did understand. "Does Andy know?"
Kyra shook her head. "I don't know if I should tell him!? That's why I asked you guys to come to this show. What if she shows up?"
Ashton looked at the crowd, it's like the crowds at our shows!I can't wait to tour again! Ashton just then saw a beautiful woman walk past him. She wore shades covering her eyes and a shawl over her head. A little bit of hair stuck out in the front. The lighting in the room made it impossible to tell what color hair she had. She walked up to the stage and then put her hands in a cup shape around her lips. "White Rabbit!" she yelled. Andy stopped singing.
Kyra turned around and gasped. Ella's eyes grew huge and Ashton just watched Andy fall onto his knees as Juliet Simms rubbed her swollen belly.

Don't forget to check out Book 3!

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