Chapter 10 Dat was dat

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"Slow down Calum. Your getting up too fast." Said the nurse.
Luke, Ashton, and Ella all sat eagerly waiting for Calum to slowly rise from his bed. It would mark his first time walking since the fire.
Ella fell to the floor. Tears dripping off her nose. She looked at the floor, "Calum. What in your right mind, makes you think you can smoke?"Ella wipes a tear and stands up. "You almost died! Smoking will cause your death Calum! Don't you care for yourself!??" Ella's hands were in fists as she stormed out the door.
Calum sat back on the bed. "Ash, " he coughed, " Follow her, so she... doesn't do anything.. bad." He only nodded and sprinted out of the room.
Ashton found Ella sitting at a fountain in a dog park her hands on her forhead. Ashton came over and sat down besides her. She flung water at him and he didn't flinch. "Get away from me!!! Ashton, don't you realize all the trouble I've caused??! Ive killed Michael and almost Calum!"
"Ella it's not your fault. Michael died saving you, and Calum was being an idiot. It's not your fault. They were both complete mistakes. Listen, it's not you. Trust me. I felt the same way a while back. I found this bird that couldn't fly, so I took it in. I thought the bird would've liked KFC, it did. Until it choked on a small bone. See accidents happen."
Ella's shoulders shook and she whined. "Stop your crying. What did I just say?"
She threw her head back and you could hear her adorable laughs miles away. Ashton almost fell backwards from astonishment. "I thought you were crying!!" He held her shaking shoulders. "What's wrong? Have you gone mad?" He Couldn't help but giggle as well.
"Why would you feed a bird chicken???" She laughed even more.
"Oh. I know, I look back and realize I made him eat his own kind. That's when I start laughing as well."
She laughed some more. A feeling struck in Ash's heart, awakening a desire. He lurched forward and kissed her lips. He backed away fast, waiting for her reaction. She stared at him.
"I'm so sorry. Umm, Bye." Ash got up and left. And that was that.

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