Chapter 10: Trouble In Pardise

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"You and Deshawn don't go out much. Why don't you go out tonight? There's nothing going on.", Ailani says while we walk around the park. She told me she needed to talk privately with me. I take a sip of the Iced Coffee I got. "I know, but he's always busy and I'm trying to hold down his house while making sure my 15 year old sister doesn't go get preggers. We just don't have time to do normal couple things.", I say. She giggles. "You guys don't even show any PDA. Like come on its not that hard. Just act like no one is there.", she says.
"Okay, I'll ask if we can go out tonight. Now let's go.", I say.

We walk back to my car and drive home. I open the garage door and park my car. "What up niggas.", I say walking through the door. Brittish closes the door roughly behind her. "Aye don't slam my fucking doors.", Deshawn says. I walk into the living room where he and Christian are and sit next to him. "Calm the fuck down. It's a just motherfuckin door. You can get that shit replaced. Me on the other hand, not so easy to find once given up. Don't yell at my sister again.", I say. He grabs my face. "Babygirl you got an attitude with me?", he asks. "No, I'm as cool as a cooler addicted to Moolah.", I say. I move to sit on his lap. He puts his arm around me. "That's what the fuck I thought.", he says.

"And nigga don't you think you gon be doing that shit to me cause I be done got some jail time. If I got an attitude, let me fucking have an attitude. I'll chill out eventually.", Brittish says. "Trust me I believe you. You crazy as hell. You be done put on death row.", Christian says.

"Aye don't joke around about that shit. My moms is on death row. That shit ain't funny to me.", Deshawn says. I give him a kiss and wipe the tear that he let shed. "Baby they didn't know. Next time guys try to process what the fuck you say. It really could hurt someone.", I say. "First you standing up for me now you on my ass. Alright we will do just that, Mom.", Brittish says. She and Christian walk away. I can tell he tryna cool her down. At the end of the day, I love them both so Imma be on both of they assess at some point and I can't just spare her feelings cause she my little sister. I hug Deshawn tighter. I then let my own tears fall.


I stop being a bitch and look up to see Amythest crying. "Baby are you okay?", I ask. "No. Brittish probably hates me for yelling at her and trying to protect your vulnerable side. And you letting others see your vulnerable side is making me sad.", she says still crying.  I pull her into my chest and and kiss the top of her head. "Baby she doesn't hate you. She just doesn't like being put second on someone's priority list. Christian was telling me about it. She is scared that everybody might just stop caring about her.", he says. "But who could stop caring about her? She brings joy and a lot of it in her small body. Suicide before I let that happen, but I understand where that's coming from. When my mom was an addict she was never home much like now expect she doesn't have crack hidden in her purse. My dad wasn't but a piece of shit and still is. I only had Anthony and Miss CiCi. I thought they were gonna leave too. I remember that one day during Freshman year you came over and had to be a fucking peacekeeper.", she says.

Flashback(in Amythest POV)

"Come on take the pills Amythest. They will help. You aren't you when you don't take them.", Anthony says. "I'm me if I take them or not. I don't have a severe case of bipolar disorder. Stop acting like I do.", I say. He has been trying to get me to take these pills for over an hour now. "Amythest you tried to kill a random ass man on the street for looking at you too long. Get that through your thick skull. You are not my sister when you don't take your pills.", he says. He then walks downstairs. I run down the stairs and grab a knife out of the kitchen.

"So your gonna leave me too. Go ahead no one gives a fat fuck about me anymore. I'm just some crazy bitch that everyone stays away from. No one can even have a conversation with me. You go be like everyone else. Like Mom and my piece of dog shit Daddy. You are just as bad as them.", I say. I then launch myself at him with the knife in my hand. Someone grabs me and keeps me off of Anthony. I keep struggling to get out of the strong grip for like 10 minutes. I finally give up and that person carries me to the couch. They sit me in their lap and I cry into this person's chest. "It's alright Amythest. It's me Deshawn. I still care very much about you.", he says. I just continue to cry until my hearts content.

"So what caused this?", he asks. "Anthony was trying to get me to take my pills. He said that I'm not me without them and I'm also not his sister without them. So I got mad and yelled at him and then launched myself at him.", I say. "Well you do need to take your pills, but you will always be the girl that I call my bestfriend. The girl that makes me laugh and the girl that goes after what she wants. Literally. So why don't we go up and have you take your pills and then we can go out for ice cream?", he says. "I can't leave the borders of my neighborhood and the nearest ice cream shop is 10 miles out. I would get shocked by an invisible electric fence like some fucking dog.", I say. "Well I can go up and get your pills the-", he gets cut off. "Enough about the fucking pills. I will take them when I feel the fucking need to.", I say. He just wraps his arms around me and I fall asleep on his lap.

Flashback Over (back to Deshawn POV)

"Yeah I remember. Hey did you ever take the pills?", I say. "Yeah, but now I don't have to take them. I'm still bipolar just not as serious.", she says. "Now do you wanna go work out whatever you and Brittish have going on or do you wanna wait?", I ask. "I'll wait till tomorrow. Just let her sleep on it. Plus I can see that same bipolarness in her and I don't want a down step when I have been doing so well.", she says.

We walk to our room and lay down. I grab the remote and turn on Netflix. "Orange Is The New Black.", she says. "Okay, but only because I kinda sorta like it and I kinda sorta love you.", I say. "I kinda sorta love you too.", she says. Never would I have thought that I would be able to get Amythest. She just makes me so happy. Now I sound like a bitch. She gets me more than anyone else. I wonder how she will feel when I tell her I might be going to prison soon.

Whoa I never thought I could type something like this. It's probably just okay though. Because of the challenge not being met, I feel bad so I'm gonna do the interview anyway. Well love ya guys.

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