Chapter 17

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    Ella held the door open for Jon who was carrying a sleeping Josh on his shoulders. She watched as he stomped though her apartment carefully, trying not to bump into anything as he carried her son into his bedroom.

    She carried herself off to the kitchen to fix herself a quick snack as her stomach was rumbling. She looked in the fridge to see what she could eat. She pulled out some bread and some ham, just as she closed her fridge, she saw Jon enter the kitchen.

    He walked to her back and held her as she slapped some ham on the bread. He dropped a small kiss on her shoulder.

"I forgot that in all the excitement, you didn't get to eat anything," he said.

"That's okay. How was dinner with my parents?"

He frowned a bit before he answered. "It was uneventful. I think your mother is beginning to warm up to me," he said with a small smile.

Ella responded with a smile. She didn't completely believe it as her mother wasn't so easily won over, but she hoped it was true. "That's good."

She carried her food to the table, and just as she sat down, her phone began to ring. It was Jasmine.

"Hey girl," Ella answered.

"You are not going to believe what just happened," Jasmine rushed.

"What is that?"

"Jude came here."

Ella's eyes widened and she turned to Jon and motioned to him to come over. She put the phone on speaker and dropped it on the table.

"What was that, honey?" Ella asked.

"I said Jude came over," Jasmine repeated. Ella turned to Jon just in time to see his eyebrows go up in surprise.

"Why?" Ella asked.

"Because thanks to a little curly haired brunette and her boyfriend, he found out that I had gotten pregnant and he came to yell at me," Jasmine said.

Ella couldn't help smiling sheepishly even though Jasmine couldn't see her. "I'm sorry about that."

"It's alright. He deserved to know," her best friend said and Ella could imagine her shrugging. "Anyway, that's not the important part."

"What is? What happened?" Ella asked frantically, causing Jon to put a calming hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down," Jasmine said. "Anyway, he yelled at me. Long story short, I called him cold and incapable of love. Then, he got all intense and told me how the love he still feels for me is intense and white hot and he wants to take me to my bedroom and make me his again."

Ella heard that Jasmine was breathing rather heavily as she probably recalled the "white hot" moment.

"Really? He said all that and you're not paraphrasing?" Ella asked as she looked at Jon to see him still wearing a look of surprise.

"I'm quoting, Ella," her friend said.

"So then, what happened?"

"Nothing much. We apologized to each other and he tried to kiss me. It took all the willpower I possess and then some to stop him," she sighed.

"Wow," Ella breathed. "That is something."

"Is that all you have to say? You're not going to tell me that you're proud of me for once in my life, not rushing things?" Jasmine said, offended.

Ella laughed. Was that why she had called her? To convince her that she done the right thing?

"I am proud of you, honey," Ella said.

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