Chapter 1: Sam's Rival

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There she was. The new girl. I spot her as she smiled at everyone, her big dazzling smile, but yet so fake. I saw her going into the staff room with her red lipstick cover, Her cotton candy-like hair was flowing side to side with her best friend, a boy with dirty blonde hair and this flashy, navy blue suit who, I realised, ALWAYS followed her like her own personal minion. Jeez, they were like a VERY cute pair. I gagged. Ugh, they looked so obnoxiously stunning together.

I enter the staff room too. There were tons of moderators laughing and chatting, some were on duty, and the fully-concentrated boss was on his computer making new updates, not looking up at all. She was with a bunch of other people, eating a pink donut with rainbow sprinkles. It made me want to puke, I looked away and gagged. I silently walked over while she was munching and talking to other employees. She was so, so, SO POPULAR! "So..umm...what's your name?", I asked. 

"Pixi!", she cheered as she leaped into the air. Her happiness frightened me. Pixi sounds like a backup name that 'Tinker Bell' would have! I mean, what type of name was PIXI?! Just then I realized...this girl had to be..."Pixi Star"?!

"Yep!", she replied. I gasped. If this girl stayed in MSP she could end it. She was like the daughter of the devil...and the boss was selling his soul to her! 

Believe it or not..I used to like her, but that was when she wasn't such a show-off or evil. I could remember us in a sandbox. I had little pigtails and she had long light pink curls. It was during playtime.. But, one day..

Two SidesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora