2 • Hello, it's me...

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...,my name is Cathleen. I have two siblings, Millie and Lucas. Millie is around my age and that's why she thinks she can act like a boss around me. But I'm still the older one. Obviously. *roll eyes*

And there's my bad-tempered mum and carefree dad. That's when i understand why people always say 'Opposites attract'. 

You know, like the magnet, different poles attract, and vice versa. 

You know what i mean.

I'm suppose to do an introduction of my family and some of my friends, like what the author of this story had requested since she ran out of ideas. Lame right? 

I mean, what kind of author will actually, *this part is removed by the author*. Moving on..

I have no idea what to say so i will just randomly tell you everything i know. Sorry about that. :(

Let's see...Er...

Millie's full name is actually Mildred, which also mean 'gentle strength'. 

Guess my mum wanted her newborn baby to be strong and gentle at the same time. She must have been deeply disappointed. 


Well that's because MILLIE IS PURE EVAAAAAAAL!!!!! 

Oh and every time i called Millie 'Millie', she will always say, "It's Mildred!!" followed by some bad words and insults. HA, told you she's evil.

Lucas's name means 'bright' or 'shining' (mum told me, but yes, she got all that from google when she first choose our names).

Like his name, my little brother is practically an angel! 

Well, except for the time when he punched me on the face after I dripped water on his face while he's sleeping. 

What? It was a prank. 

Oh and except for the time when he pulled my hair for snatching his pink precious pillow with unicorns' pictures, which I still wasn't sure whether it's Lucas's or Millie's. They were always arguing it's theirs.

And for my name, my mum chose 'Cathleen' because she thinks it's nice.


In school, me and my sister are classmates. We were born in the same year you see, only 12 months apart. 

I'm still older.

In school, Lily is my bestie! She's always excited about things but i enjoy being with her. She fills in the silence. During break time, we will usually eat with our other friends at the same spot.

And for me, I'm just a genius who's always right about everything. 

Get what i mean? 

Of course you do. 

And of course i'm right, as usual.


This might be a boring and well, pretty useless chapter but i hope you like it! :):):)


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