Knew You will Notice it This Way

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As you can clearly see, there is no numbers on this title therefore if you have a normal brain unlike mine, you should've thought that this is not a chapter.

And guess what?

You guessed right.


We'll celebrate that later, after i finish making my announcement. I mean, er...what's that word again...*snap finger**snap snap snap*......let's leave this blank for now.

Anyway, note this, i am speaking as Bomcha right now, not as Cathleen.

And if you hadn't know, this Bomcha, just happen to be the awesome author of this book.

Bear with it. ;)

Anyway, i will cut to the chase, (and for Kenna Violet, here's your definition: it means get to the point), i am writing this to tell you that chapter 5 will be including class scenes which require classmate WHICH IN TURN require more characters WHICH AGAIN IN TURN MEANS THAT I will have to create more of them.

Striving to save my half-dead brain, DING! An idea came to me!

Therefore, i'd decided to give a chance to you, YES YOU!!! The YOU that is staring at this computer screen, with your jaw dropped in bewilderment and your eyes that had widened with surprise, not believing that i'm not only an awesome writer, but a generous and thoughtful one too, RIGHT NOW!

To do what? You wonder.

Why, to create your very own characters for your favourite story of course!

Don't scream please.

If you think it'll be fun, send your character's appearance, personality, and identity information to my private message mailbox (or whatever you call it).

Your character will fully belong to you. I will also state the owner of the characters in my story and clarify that i am just borrowing them. :)

Don't worry, i will not sue you or punch you in the face with a chair if you use your own created character for your own story. :)

NOTE: This 'thing' is on until the release of Chapter 6!!! :D:D:D

And if your answer is yes, please do it RIGHT NOW!! Or whenever you're free actually. ;)

If not, please read further.


Wouldn't it be amazing to see the character that you have always dream of in one of your favourite books such as Smile Your Worries Away?

The correct answer to that question is: YES.

Well, fear not as the awesome and generous and thoughtful author: Bomcha is here to give you a FREE ticket to that dream!

Start creating your characters now, you will see them in the story sooner than you thought!

I promise. :)

And i will really appreciate it if you can. :) From the bottom of my heart.


I don't know what to say anymore, so uh...........I'll end it here


BTW, ziching18 had created the fantastic and nerdy character: Christine Fellow, the neighbour and friend. I am really grateful for that. :)

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