5.6 • Finally

57 8 13

"Cathleen, would you like to answer this question?" Miss Green, our Math teacher, turns around from her written question on the board.

Damn it, I wasn't paying attention.

I look at the board.

Statistics, gulp.

I'm good at Math, but not, statistics, with all the ugh, graphs and tables.


"Detention then." She smiles sweetly and says.

You might think she favors me but well, too bad Christine is in the same class as me. I might be good at maths, but i'm not best at maths. Get what i mean?

Christine is like a bright star, a sun, who high-scored all her tests and shadowed the rest.

Aaaaaand, Miss Green probably hates my sh***y attitude. Which is totally understandable.

That's Miss Green for you. She appears to be an angel but deep, deep down....huh huh huh...

"But i already have detention." I tilt my head.

"On your first day? Oh well, I will have you do extra homework then." She looks at me with fake pity and smiles sweetly as if she just gave me sweets for my sixteenth birthday.

I bet Millie is smirking at me righ-

Oh wait, she isn't.

She's staring at the window, looking at who-know-what-that-is-outside, and thinking about Colin the cool wimp, no doubt. She had been crushing on him forever.

Colin the cool wimp, get it?

"Actually, I'm sure Millie will know the answer to that question."

Millie jerks her head to me at the mention of her name and stares at me, then at Miss Green who is staring back, expecting a correct answer.

"I-uh, what am I suppose to-" she stutters.

"Extra homework for the sisters, perfect!" she smiles and claps her hand together.

Theeeeeen, the school bell rings and signals the end of school.


She gave us our extra homework before we exit the classroom as Millie stare daggers at me.

Well, it's not like it's my fault, i think.

We drag ourselves back to our classroom where Christy and Lily are waiting. Everyone is packing their stuff and bidding each other goodbye with high spirit and joy. Yay...joy.....

And then there's Colin Jackson. It's like the only male name Millie remembers.


"Hey, Lil, wanna come over later?" Millie asks, "Chris can come too."

I sling my bag over my shoulder.

"Yeah sure, right after school???!" There goes the Pinky-Pie-jump again.

"Wait, why?" I smell a rat.

Millie blushes and says, "I wanna talk about you-know-who."


It's just one damn conversation with the cool wimp and now we have to have friends over to just talk about it?

Is that even necessary? I mean, what's there to talk about?

Lily and Millie will be gushing and giggling over the cool wimp, Christy will be sitting there trying to understand the situation like it's a Math equation she can't solve and i will be definitely cursing the cool wimp and their damn conversation.

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