15 facts about Bomcha

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WELCOME BACK BOMCHA!!! (that's me!) Okay let's get this straight. Um..how should i put this...

One faithful day when i was checking my gmail, I found one unusual gmail outstandingly interesting. It says: Someone had mentioned you in Wattpad...... 

So HERE I AM! SUMMONED!! Okay whatever let's get to business. 

So i'm tagged by ziching18 to do the, as you can see CLEARLY from title above, 15 facts about myself. (she threatened 'you better update'....so I DID! [come to think of it, i should have ask, 'or else what? ya gonna kill meh?])



Let's start.

-----15 facts about myself-----

1. I'm Bomcha.

2. I'm a homo sapiens.

3. I live on a planet with water and trees. (guess)

4. I really love this book in Wattpad, (i think you guys should check it out) it's called: SmileYourWorriesAway.

5. I'm growing dandelion in a small pot, it's my current favorite flower, or rather, the only flower i find fascinating out of the little flowers i know. XD (growing weeds is the best way to show them you got the green fingers! [even though you don't])

6. I sleep when i feel bored but don't feel like doing anything else either. 

7. I really like drawing: anime/cartoon. 

8. I don't see the point in writing facts about myself. 

9. I live in my house.

10. I was born in a hospital.

11. Sometimes i caught myself being crazily childish and i really hate that sometimes. I usually recompose myself with 'whatever'. There's an unintentional example above. 

12. I like Math, mostly algebra, but not statistics. :D

13. I study in a school. (duh obviously what is this even for)

14. I like French, but now I'm learning more about Japanese through my otaku best friend. XD

15. (yes! last!) I don't trust myself to make promises since i have a brain of a goldfish.


Conclusion: As you can clearly see, you already know some of the obvious facts about me I'd listed above. So what we learn here in this seemingly useless chapter but not (since you learn a lesson here), is that sometimes you might know someone more than you think. (put that into good use, my son)

And since the person who tagged me didn't mention the (also) 'fact' that I'm suppose to tag another 15 lucky people, I will just assume I don't have to. Or just pretend to not know. 

But now that I'd made my evil plans known worldwide she will probably finds out anyway but who cares i will deal with it when it comes. XD

How does that goodbye song goes again? Wait let me check....

(surfing the internet)......

(still surfing the internet).......

(nah just kidding XD i was just writing 'surfing the internet')

So long, farewell
Auf Wiedersehen, adieu
Adieu, adieu
To you and you and you~~~ 

To those who don't know what's adieu and auf, don't worry, i don't know what's that either. (it's called 'So Long Farewell' from Sound of Music btw)


I will be back!

Next year.

Nah just kidding!

Or am I? ;) 

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