5.4 • I never knew

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"CATHLEEN!!!" A blurred voice mumbles.

"Bwa-??" I jerk up to see three heads staring down at me.

"You were sleeping during his class???" Christine asks with disbelief as if Physics was so interesting that it was impossible to be able to doze off.

Yeah, right.

I roll my eyes and notice we're the only ones left in the classroom.

"I can't believe Mr.Frank didn't see you sleeping!! It was so thrilling and exciting, especially when he walked past you!! Aaaaah!!!! " Lil jumped up, and down,"But too bad he didn't catch you or that would've been more fun."

Too bad he didn't catch me huh?

Well, too bad.

"Well, if he really did then she might have to-" Millie starts before i politely cut her off.

"Well then, it's break time right? Let's go eat."

"Wait, Cath, remember what Mr.Frank said?"Lily tilts her head as we exit the classroom into the empty hall.

Oh yeah.

Damn it.


After parting with them, i put my stuff in my locker, which is, unfortunately, next to Millie's and head to the lab where my 'real' punishment awaits.

This is really stupid, really.

I haven't survive half a school day and had already received two punishments.

The world can't get any fairer.


"Miss Payne." Mr.Frank greets me when he looks up from whatever he was looking at.

"Um, so what am i suppose to do?"

I really want to get this over with already. I'm pretty sure i'm never gonna talk in his class again.

Note to self: Never make a mad scientist mad

"This is a very interesting research i'm doing. You see, gravity always pull things down, so what if we twist it around and create the opposite effect-" He says excitedly as he gestures around whatever that junk of metal is.

Like i said, i'm not a science person.

And, er, hello? I'm pretty sure that's pretty impossible.

I was looking around the lab at the skeleton and specimens when he stops talking and looks at me as if waiting for a response.

Will he punishes me again if he knows i weren't listening?

Holy buckets i gotta say something. Fast.

"Ha...ha....," I nod and force a huge grin, "Er..Interesting..."

He smiles and continues his speech.

So mad scientists can be pretty oblivious too eh?



I got you, didn't I? ;)

I would love to do it again but people don't fall for the same trick twice.

Well, too bad. XDXDXD

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