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It's a good thing that Dahyun's first class is P.E. and they're required to change on their gym uniform. Her school uniform was soaked because of the rain so she hanged it for a while to dry.

She then slowly walk back in the gym. Her body is still shivering from the cold rain. She tries to steady her breathing for she doesn't want anybody to see how uneasy she looks.

"Okay Dahyun. Just remember what Dr. Kim told you. Breathe in," she inhaled. "Breathe out," then she slowly exhaled. She did this for three times until her breathing is back to normal.

"My body is still shivering, though." But she ignored it and hurriedly went to the gym.

She was just in time when she arrived.

Their professor asked them to form two lines, one for girls and one for boys.

She's 4th on the line. When she looked on the opposite side of her, she can't help but smile.

Hansol was opposite of hers, 4th on the line as well.

He knows that Dahyun is looking at him but he chose to ignore her presence.

Dahyun is not dumb not to notice that Hansol is avoiding her. She also saw his annoyed face and how he clenched his fist, like he wants to kill someone.

She feels guilty because it was her fault why he's being like this.

But she's not feeling sorry.

That was her dare to herself. To kiss Hansol.

She turned to face the front when their professor called the class' attention.

"Okay, since today is the first day of class, how about we do some running?"

Oh crap.

Dahyun panicked.

Run? She can't even... no, she's not even allowed to walk fast and now they're gonna do some running?

She saw the excited faces of her classmates, including Hansol.

What should she do?

She knows that her professors have the right to at least be informed about her condition but she chose not to tell anyone.

It's not that she doesn't trust anyone except her mom and personal doctor.

It's because she's scared that anyone of her professors might accidentally blurted out her condition that will lead for the students in this school to know about it.

And the last person she wants to know about it is Hansol.

She glanced at Hansol's direction. He's doing some stretching. She knows how much he loves sports activities. And he used to know how much she hates them.

She nervously stands on the line.

Their professor blow his whistle, signalling for them to stop stretching.

"The person you will run with is the person standing opposite of yours. This is not a race. This is a teamwork. You will begin running together and you will also be finishing together. That's it."

Hansol wanted to protest and switch positions with the person behind him but he knows that he's gonna ask "why" and he can't just simply answer "because I don't want to run with her." And another "why" will come for which he won't answer anymore because, first: He hates being interrogated and second: He can't tell anyone that they kissed.

No one should know about that or else his girlfriend will get mad at him.

He glared at Dahyun who looks like she's not in her proper mind. He wants to ask if she's okay, but remembering what she did this morning, he chose not to care.

"Wait for your turn to run. When I blow my whistle, that's your cue. First pair, ready?"

"Ready!" The first pair shouted.

Then the professor blow his whistle and they start running together.

On the other hand, a group of girls are squealing from Dahyun's back. Since she's not in her proper state of mind, she just ignored them.

"They're so cute!"

"I like the 4th guy on the line!"

"I like the 5th guy more!"

"The 5th guy is cuter!"

"I know, right?"

"No, I think the 4th guy is cuter!"

"Whatever. I like them both."

Hansol can hear them but he chose to ignore. He has no time to deal with fan girls.

Meanwhile, the guy behind him, aka 5th guy on the line, muttered, "So irritating."

Hansol heard it. He glanced back a little and saw his irritated face. The guy looked at Hansol with a boring expression. "Hey, can I just switch places with you? Your partner looks quiet than mine."

Hansol looked at the guy's partner. She's one of the annoying fan girls.

If he has to choose between Dahyun and that girl, even though he's still mad at Dahyun, he'd rather choose her.

"No thanks."

"I already expect you to decline." The guy then looked at Hansol's partner. "Hmm, I'll just ask her to switch places with the girl behind her then."

Wait what?

Hansol saw the guy was about to approach Dahyun. He immediately grabbed his arm. "No way! She's mine!" Hansol accidentally shouted those words, making his classmates and professor looked at him.

Dahyun is looking at him too.

Oh crap.

"Is there something wrong here?" Their professor approached them. "Chwe Hansol and Jeon Wonwoo?"

Hansol doesn't know what to answer. He was loss of words.

Dahyun saw him being uncomfortable so she called the professor's attention. "Mr. Jang! It's our turn to run. Can we please run now?"

Hansol knows what she did. He and Dahyun and exchanged glances before he looks away.

The professor then asked them to go back to their places.

"Let's continue then. Kim Dahyun and Chwe Hansol please step forward."

They stepped forward.


Dahyun glanced at Hansol for the last time. Hansol... please help me.


Hansol take the lead followed by Dahyun.

She's still not on the half but she already feels tired. She tries to catch up on Hansol who's a bit far away from her.

Hansol looked back and saw Dahyun is a bit far away. We just started but she's already tired? Seriously this girl...

Dahyun stops for a while to catch her breath. This is not good. I can feel my legs already wobbling. She faced front and her vision is starting to blurry.

"Hansol!" The professor shouted. Hansol stopped. "Remember what I said earlier? Begin together, finish together!"

Hansol groaned and ran back. This girl is giving me lots of problems!

When he reached Dahyun, she began running again. "What the hell?"

Dahyun did her very best to run fast but Hansol catch up with her. "Can't you run a bit faster?"

"I... can't..."

"What?" Hansol asked as he run on a speed that matched Dahyun.

"I... said... I... can't..."

"What do you mean you can't?"


He glanced at her direction and his eyes widened. "Shit!"

Dahyun collapsed on the ground until everything went pitch black.

The Forgotten [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora