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"Vernon!" Dahyun's mother came, followed by Wonwoo and Mingyu. The said guy did not respond as he stares out of nowhere. Vernon's mind is blank. He doesn't even know what to do. He was shocked, nervous and scared.

It was the first time he saw Dahyun on that state, and it scares him. It scares him to see her struggling to live. Dahyun is in pain, and he can't even do anything to remove that pain she's feeling right now.

Were her smiles were just forced just so that he won't get worried?

Were her laughs were just forced too so it won't be obvious that she's in pain?

Were her actions were just pure pretend so she can keep up with his pace?

Did she really do those things for him?

Tears fall down on his eyes. Dahyun's mother rushed on his side. She knows what he is feeling right now - a mixture of confusion and despair. She gently rubbed his back, "I know it's hard but we got to be strong for Dahyun." She cries too as she remembers all the struggles her daughter had been through - the constant pain she's feeling, the tears she shed, the sleepless nights and whenever Dahyun wished to die so the agony will stop. She remembers them all.

"Is it really too late for her to do a chemotherapy?" Wonwoo asked, glancing at Mingyu.

Mingyu looked away. He wants to answer Wonwoo's question but he just can't seem to utter a word.

Dahyun's mother wiped her tears before speaking. "Dahyun refused to do it. It's actually too late for her to undergo a chemotherapy. Her condition," she stoppef for a moment as she began to sob. Mingyu rushed on her side, gently patting her back. Then she continued. "Her condition is at its worse peak. Your father actually advised me to be on her side because she might..." she cried so hard on Mingyu's arms. Mingyu can't help it, he began crying too. His fathet tries his best not tell her about Dahyun's real condition. How he wished he didn't knew about it. But sooner or later he should ready himself for any possibilities that Dahyun might be gone.

"Why? Why did she refused?" Wonwoo cried. He can't believe Dahyun will do such thing.

"Because she's scared that Vernon might come back and won't recognize her if she lose weight and her hair," Dahyun's mom bitterly smile. She stared at Vernon who looks like he finally lose it.

He stood up and stumble a bit while approaching the door that leads to the Emergency Room. He banged the door. "Dahyun-ah! Come out! I'm here now!" Vernon yelled, banging the door. "Dahyun-ah! It's me, Vernon. I'm here! I won't leave you! So please don't leave me too!" Vernon cried out.

Wonwoo and Mingyu rushed to stop him. But Vernon was continuously thrashing, kicking and crying out loud. The two boys tried their best to pull him away from the door.

"Dahyun, don't leave me!" Vernon cried out.


"I'd like to make a request, if you don't mind." Vernon said, facing Dahyun's doctor who is Mingyu's father.

"What is it?" Dr. Kim asked.

"When Dahyun recovered, can I take her out?" Vernon requested.

Dr. Kim saw sincerity in his eyes, like he's not just simply asking Dahyun out, like there's something more important behind it.

He gave him a smile and nodded. "Sure."

Vernon bowed and thanked him.

"Please make every second with her memorable," Dr. Kim said before walking away.

Vernon head back to the ICU where Dahyun is currently staying at. He took out the bucket list they made.

He pulled a chair and sat beside Dahyun's bed. He carefully grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Wake up, baby. You want to go play at the sea, remember?"

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