Danger, Meet Freshman

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"AHHH" Henry Hart screeched as he fell out of his bed. He stood up rubbing his head when Charlotte facetime called. "Morning Hen!" A clearly exited Charlotte Bolton smiled. "Hey Char!" Henry smirked. "Whats the look for Danger?" Asked Charlotte. "Cause were Freshmans baby!" Henry replied. "Yea I know, hows it feel?" Charlotte asked knowing the reaction that was coming. Henry smirked. "Feels goooooood!" He yelled. Charlotte giggled. "Never gets old hen. Well I better get ready." "K Char, I lo- See you soon, bye!" Henry hung up. Did Henry Hart almost say he loved me?? Charlotte wondered when she heard a knock on the door. "Hey Hen!" Charlotte said. Henry just stood there with his mouth open admiring Chars beauty. "Hey earth to Danger!" Charlotte waved her hand infeont of his face. "Huh? Oh, I'm sorry char, you look.. Beautiful... " Henry trailed off. Charlotte took his hand and he blushed as they walked to school together. "Hey Guys!" Jasper said greeting his best friends. "Hey buddy, Hey Jasp!" Henry and Charlotte greeted him. "You guys ready for this?" He asked nervously. "Heck yea!" Said Henry.

*In the autditorium reciving anouncments.*
"Hello Students, my name is Ms. Barns. I am your principal and this is ms. Katie. Your vice principal. Your new here and its our job to make sure you follow rules, get good grades and most importantly have fun and graduate! Up here with me are your homeroom teachers, kind of like junior high. You teachers will go to the back of the room and call students and those students will join them and follow them back to their homeroom. First homeroom. Ms. Downs (see what I did there) Please go to the back and call out your students.."
"Okay, my homeroom students are... Charlotte Bolton.. Cloe Dixion (sorry idk her last name!) Jasper Dunlop... Jake Taylor.. John mason. Mitch Bilsky.. Henry Hart.. Kayla Cooper... Vanessa Walkins.. Zay babnou... (WINK WINK) Lucas Friar, Riley Mathews. Olivia Brunetti, Savannah Garcia, Kayli Newman, Zachary Doorman, Lily Cirston, aaand Layla Barns. Please follow me.." Ms. Downs said. "Yes were all in the same homeroom!" Said Jasper. "I was so worried!" Said Charlotte.. "Yeah me too. " Henry winked at Charlotte and she blushed.

When they got there, They recived papers with there locker combinations and what locker numbers they had. "My locker number is B660." Said Charlotte. "Mine is B661" said Henry. They're lockers were next to eachother. They opened their locker to unpack, look at schedules and set up. "Hey guys! My locker is next to Cloe's!" Said Jasper. He has liked Cloe since 5th grade. "Good for u buddy!" Said Henry as they fist pounded. "Hey Char whats yoir first class?" "Math." Repkied Charlotte. "Really? Mine too!" Said Henry.

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