Math class + Surveys = Feelings Reveled??

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"Alright Class my name is Mrs Mckenzie and I have plans. First. The Partnership I give you will remain your partners for the rest of the year and sit next to you for the whole year. Second. If you need help for homework, get to know your partner and ask them outside of school. Third. Have fun but do your best!" "Okay. First partnership, Riley Matthews and Farkle Mincus, second partnership, Mitch Bilski and Bianca Weathersman. Third pairing, Charlotte Bolton and Henry Hart. 4th, Zay babnau and Lucas Friar, and last, Olivia Newman with Jake Taylor." Everyone got to their seats and got settled. "Okay so for today since its your first day, I'm going to have each of you take a survey. I always do this to get to know my students. Here you go, begin!"
*Henrys Test*
Questin1. "Who is your best friend/friends?"
CJasper Dunlop and I have known each other since 1st grade. And charlotte Bolton has been my best friend since 2nd grade, I would do anything for those two were a tight group.
"What are you hobbies if any?"
Playing basketball in the park, going for icecream and a walk with Charlotte.
Q3. What do you like to do on yoir free time...
Call Charlotte to come over.
Q4. What kind of music do you like?
Pop or dance.
Q5. Do you like math? Or are you good at it?
I am good at it but I dont really like it.. Its kind of boring no offence.. 😊

*charlotte test*
1.Who is your best friend/friends
Henry Hart, Jasper Dunlop and Cloe Dixon.. Henry is my closest friend because we hangout everyday and we work at the same job and we tell each other everything.

2. What are your hobbies if any..
Dancing and singing in my room, hanging out with Henry.

3. What do you do on free time?
Listen to music or hang with henry.

4.What kind of music do you like?
Pop or dance something positive or funny..

5. Do you like math and are you good at it?
Im excited to be in math class and I'm great at it, I tutor Henry cause hes good, but still gets confused sometimes, he makes tutoring fun..

*end of testing*

"Alright class thankyou for your test, I'm now going to allow you to talk until class is over." Said ms. Mackenzie.

"Hey Char" "hey hen" "So did you put me down as your best friend?" Henry asked with puppy eyes. "Yes, but not just you, I put Jasper and Cloe too!" "Well thats good I'm glad." He said hugging her. Ms. Mackenzie had a beaming smile as she watched Henry tickle Charlotte and them fool around a little. "So Char, what do you to on your freetime?" Henry asked. "You should know, Hen, you take up most of my free time. " She laughed. Then She slapped Henry. "Stop tickling me Danger!" She shouted. Henry stopped. "Sorry Char, your just so irresistible I cant help but tickle you!" He said. They stared into each others eyes and almost kissed, realizing where they were, they quickly backed out. "What was that?" Charlotte asked. "I think we almost kissed." Henry trailed off.. "Yea but why?" She asked Henry and herself too. "Maybe because.. Char? Is it possible we like eachother?" Henry asked. The question lingered in Charlottes mind. Do I like Henry? I mean we always hangout and lately I have been feeling extra special for him...and I live his hair, and thise big brown eyes are just irresistible and hes so cute and.. oh my gosh, I like Henry... Her thoughts echoed. Henry contemplated on the question himself. Do I like Charlotte? We always hang out, shes really cute and hot, and shes so funny, I like it when she tutors me or when we go get ice cream. Oh my gosh, I love Charlotte! Henrys thoughts took him away. They came away from their thoughts and then looked at eachother.. "Char?" "Yes Henry?" "Char, I think you..." Henry said. Charlotte stared at him then hugged him. Henry smiled and and hugged back, then they heard a bunch of awwes and pulled apart. Then the bell rang. They went back to their lockers. "So Char, do you like me back?" Hwnry looked at her in the eyes. "If I didnt hen, would I have done this?" Charlotte grabbed him hugged him, and then kissed his cheek. Henry blushed bright red. "So thats a yes? " he smiled. "Yes Henry I like you." "Thats great, so what do you have next?" "Study hall." "Oh me too." he said beaming. "Wait hen, let me see your schedule." Charlotte took his scedule and compared it with hers. "Henry, we have all the same classes together except Chorus because you didnt sign up for that." She beamed. Henry just smiled and hugged her. He loved having Char in his arms.

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