The final times..

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Henry POV
Its Senior year, Im dating Emma, a girl that I met at school. Not a day goes by that I dont miss Charlotte but we haven't spoken in 2 years. Im so done waiting. Cloe, Jasper, Riley, Maya, Lucas, Farkle, Zay and now Emma and I are still a tight group. I miss Charlotte and I cant even imagine hiw shes feeling. I cant function, Ray is still Captin Man,  Im still Kid Danger, well actually we changed it to Teen Danger because I'm a teenager now. Anyways I still protect Swellveiw and stuff. But Charlotte… I still cant help but wonder about her. How is she, what is she doing now a days? 

Charlotte POV
Im dating and I have been for a while now actually. Im in a wonderful relationship with Ryan Mako, hes so sweet and romantic and hes just everything. Well.. Not everything.. Hes not Henry and he isnt as funny as Henry. I cant figure out whats missing. But I'm not letting it bother me. That much anyway.. I have new friends and I'm still besties with Cloe and Jasper. Infact Cloe just came over last weekend for a sleepover. Things are fine. I dont miss anyone. Im fine. Its fine I'm great were great!  "Charlotte baby, hey." Ryan calls my name. We kiss. His kisses arnt as sweet as Henrys. "Hi baby." I say. "Charlotte, whats on your mind, I know its something, I know you." He says. "Sorry sweetie I was thinking about my past life." I trail off. "Ive been there before.." He fake Chuckles. He really is the sweetest, but I just miss Henry. "I gitta go baby my moms texted its time for dinner." He says. "Okay I love you Ryan see you tomorrow." I said. We kissed again. "I love you too sweetpea, see you later." He says as he walks to his car.

Henry POV
"I love you." Emma says. "I love you too." I told her as I kissed her. She blushed. Shes the sweetest shyest little thing. She leavs and I sit in silence then I gto my window. I look at the moon. And I say…

Charlottes POV
I walk to my window and I sit on it and say..

I sit at my window and whisper "I love you Henry, Charlotte." They say in unison. Hoping they both knew.

GUYS THE SEQUEL SHOULD BE CALLED EYES OPEN!!  IT JUST SOUNDS GOOD. I decided that I'll write the first oart of the sequel today so that you all can put it in your libraries. I hope you likes. Bye. And thankyou.

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