Chapter 2

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Johnny ^

Julia's pov

Guess who left me to walk to school today. "Johnny"! We got into an argument and boom he hoped in his car leaving me to drive to school.

I hear a car engine behind me and i speed walk. "Hey Julia you need a ride to school"? I look back and its the same guy who bumped into me. "Wait how did he know my name"?!

For some reason my heart starts to beat fast. "Uh, no thanks". "Come on hun were going to the same place". "I said No thank you! I start walking and he slowed rives behind me, "creep"!

I finally reach school and he parks and I run so he doesn't follow me anymore. Guess who wasn't watching the time and ended up at school late. "Me"!

This is only the second day and I'm already late. I go to the office to get my late pass and to hear the office lady lecture about me having an detention.

I walk into class and hand the teacher the late pass. That guy is one creep. "I don't even know him"!

"Ok class we are going to take a quiz on what you know". "I hate math quizzes". A sheet gets handed to me and the first thing that comes to mind is "what is this"? Once i got the hang of the test it was a piece of cake.

While walking up to hand the teacher my quiz "Mr. Creep" comes I'm. "Your late Mr. Smith". "Actually i was coming to get Julia the office wants her". "'Me"?! "Go ahead Julia". I walk out the class and there he awaits for me.

I start walking to the office when he asks were I'm going. I stop and frown, "the office like you said"! "Your very smart Julia", h chuckles. "Your not really going to the office I just called you so you could get out of class".

"Uh..., well i should be going". I turn around to walk away when he grabs my arm. "Listen Rose I want you to stay here for a minute". Did he just freaking call me by my middle name! I back up with wide eye. "Stay away from me creep"!

He grins evilly and i run to the bathroom as fast as i could. As i reach the bathroom I breathe out in relief.

After making sure the coast was clear i walked out and headed to my next class which was thankfully art. Right when I entered the room my heart dropped.

There he was sitting in the seat next. I gulp and sat down next to him but kept my attention anywhere but him. "Were is Carly at she's supposed to be with me". "She switched classes with me or should i say I switched classes with her, he chuckled.

"Now he's reading my mind"!  I start to ignore him and draw my art projects. After the forty five minute class i head to lunch. "Johnny"! I speed walk towards him. "Theres this creepy guy who wont leave me alone. He even knows my middle name"!

"Julia chill he's probably just messing with you. Now you can leave". "What a twin you are"! I walk towards the cafeteria to meet up with Carly and Summer. I bump into someone and i look to see it was Jayden. "Jayden I haven't seen you in forever. We hug for what seems forever.

Me and Jay are like twins. Same height, same hobby. We get our lunch and meet up with Carly and Summer. Did i mention Carly has a twin also. His name is Carl. He had a huge crush on me freshman year.

As we eat i ask Carly why she switched classes with the freak. "He threatened me if I didn't switch". "Oh", is all i can say; anyway i think we should all go to the mall Saturday.

The mall reminds me of when me and my best friend Matilda used to always hang out but she moved last summer.

As i walk home i feel as if someone or something is watching me. I scream so loud that i could of lost my voice. "What are you doing"! Its the same creep guy from school. "Hello beautiful". I say nothing and pass by him. "I can pick you up to go with your friends". "Can you just leave me alone"! I walk faster and go into my house

Making sure I locked it. I hate being home alone but Johnny went to go hang out with his friends. As i shower i think about that creep guy. "Why won't he just leave me alone". "Not going to lie he scares the mess of me and on top of that I think he's a senior.

After showering I step out of the shower and hear a crash come from my room. I wrap the towel around me and carefully step out of the bathroom. There he is again this Erin dude standing right in my room looking me up and down. "I wanted to see you". "Get out"! He shrugs and hops out of my broken window.

"If you come back I'm calling the police", i yell as he leaves. "Is the little human scared. He chuckled while driving off in his truck.

"How does he know I'm a human". I shrug it off and change into som sweats and a tank top.

Im halfway asleep when i hear Johnny enter my room. "Goodnight princess". "Princess he never calls me princess. I feel a kiss on my forehead and i open my eyes and an object leaves my window.

"Did the creep just kiss me"?

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