Chapter 7

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The pregnancy test came back negative. I'm so glad that I'm not pregnant with his baby! He so mad that he went to go drink or something.

I limp up the stairs from his beating and open the door. I have to get out of here! I go to the front door unlocking it and I cry from happiness that it opened. I rushed out the door and ran through the street.

Hours of running I end up at a police station.  "Please help! I was kidnapped!" The lady at the desk looks up from what she was reading and gasp. "Ma'am I'll have someone come out soon as possible.

A investigator comes out and gasp. "Please, follow me." I follow him into an office and I sit down. He wraps a blanket around me and sits down. "Tell me everything." I nod my breathe while sighing.

"Well it started off at school. I was walking and this boy bumped into me. I told him to the gym watch out were he was going and he just starred at me. Then he started threatening all my friends to switch class just so he could me in a class with me! He started knowing personal information like my middle name. One day he drives behind me walking to school after my brother Johnny left me.

My brother said I was exaggerating things and not to pay attention to the guy.

"Ok Ms. What's your name?" My name is Julia Williams. I go by my mothers last name. He nods while thinking. "Please give me a description of what this man who kidnapped you looks like. He has dark hair. Very strong looking a sharp face with a pointy nose. He told me his name was Erin.

He looks up into the computer and chuckles. "That's not his real name Hun. It's Caleb Blackmore. He's nineteen. I gasp. " you can call your parents while we put out a alert to find him.

I nod my head as I dial my moms number. "Hello." She sounds worried and tired. "Mom it's Julia. I'm at the police station in the town Blair. "My baby!" She starts crying while calling Johnny and my dad to the phone.

"Sister is this really you?" "Yes Johnny it's me", I sniffle. "I thought I would never hear your voice again sis." "Same."  "Baby it's that you", my father asks. "Yes dad it's me. I miss you!" He says the same and they tell me there on there way to the town I'm in.

I hear the door to the police station open and  I look over and I almost have an heart attack. It's him "Erin." I'm here to get Julia my daughter. "Good. She's right over here the lady informs him.

"No! No! No!" I scream. "He's not my father!" "I think she's traumatized by that kidnapper of hers. He picks me up as a fling in his arms. I scream and kick calling for detective Jackson.

I see him in the window eyes wide. He yells at the front office lady and her eyes begin to bulge out. I cry and scream telling him to let go.

Once he throws me in the car and locks it he hurries and gets into the driver seat. Driving off recklessly. "Caleb please let me go!" "What else are you lying about are you really your age Caleb Blackmore?"

"What the fuck did you call me?"  "Let me go!" I ignore his question. "We're are you taking me?" He doesn't answer and I decide another thing to do. I sit up and start banging on the Windows trying to get help.

A older lady looks at me and keeps going. "Help me", I mouthed out to the man in the truck next to us but he turns his head the other way like nothing happened.

I cry silently as I lie down. "We're are we going?!" Still no answer. I start to get irritated and mad. "You can at least answer me since your kidnapping me once again. "We're going far away. Don't worry about it.

"How far is far away?" "Hmm, let's just say Paris."


She finally escaped but it wast a successful escape. What do you think about this Erin?

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