Chapte 11

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"I freaking need to get out of here!" I stand up pacing the floor. It's not fun being left I here for a while three weeks! Ok maybe one week, but still!

I want to go back home. I want to go back to my annoying brother and my loving mother and father. You know what! I think it's time for me to leave this place and once for all. I always keep a decent amount of money with me where ever I'm at.

I open up the window and slide through. I made sure I had a backpack full of supplies and money. I had a grey hoodie and my black vans. I jump out and look around. I start to run fast into the forest so I don't get caught.

I keep running and running. My life kind of depended on if I make it out. I already had it planned out. Get a plan ticket. Call my parents to meet me at the airport and finally be home.

I've been running for hours now and I'm fifteen minutes away from the airport. I asked a guy at a gas station so I'm pretty close. My heart was beating out of my chest, scared that he would find me.

Who knew what he could do to me. He was insane! I open the doors to the airport and rush to the counter were a young lady sits.

"Excuse me ma'am, but when does the next plane to Washington D.C leave?" She looks at me and hums. "That plane leaves in a hour."

I give her a wad of money and she frowns. "Please I need to get on this plane, my father is severely sick." I had to lie that was the only way I could get on. "I guess so." She sighs and I smile. "Thank you! Thank you!"

"One more thing ma'am. Do you have a phone I can use?" She nods her head handing me it. I totally forgot I was in Paris. I dial my moms number and the phone answers. "Mom, meet me at the airport.

I'll be there in about eight hours and I will explain everything." "Ok Hun just come on." I hang up the phone handing it back to the lady. "Thank you",I tell the kind lady.

I take the ticket she gave me a went to the section I was supposed to be in. I waited an hour and it was time to board. The security checked me so I can go through and I went onto the plane. I sat in a seat and sighed.

I just need a little rest and I'll be alright. A man sits by me and he smiles before getting comfortable. I fall asleep from being tired.


I'm shook by the man and I look to see that I'm at my destination. I get up grabbing my small backpack and walking out of the plane.

I wait in the airport looking for my mom and I see her. "Mom!" I rush over to her and hug her tightly. I see my father and brother right behind my mother. I hug both of them and they smile.

"Now tell us why your here?" "I sigh and ruffle my hair. "Erin kept me in a room locked in it for over a week so I had to escape and I wanted to come home. He even turned me!" "My father frowns and shakes his head.

"He didn't turn you, he just put his blood inside you." I nod my head. "I need to hide mom and dad. I don't want to be with him. He's insane!" Tears start to run down my cheeks and Johnny holds me tight.

That night I ate dinner with my family telling them the story from the beginning to the end. My mom started crying when I told her that he wanted me to carry his baby so he raped me. I shiver at the memory.

"Hey Johnny can I sleep in your room tonight? I won't bother you." He hums for a while and nods his head. "Sure, I don't mind.

I head to my room to take a quick shower and pull on some pajamas. I walk over to Johnny's to see him laying in bed looking up at the ceiling. I take a pillow and covers and lay it on the ground next to his bed.

The night was silence as we both looked up at the ceiling which had a window on it. It showed the beautiful stars. "Hey sis, I don't know how you managed to survive. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you in the first place."

"It's alright Johnny, I promise it's fine." After that the night remained silent. I let my eyes close and I smiled knowing I was finally home. But deep inside me I was scared that he would fine me.


I jump in the middle of the night from my sleep. Johnny did too. We both heard the same banging noise. "Johnny, I'm scared." I was being completely honest. I was very scared indeed.

I rush over to Johnny's bed hid myself under the covers. Like that was going to help me in this situation. I hear the bangs throughout the house like someone was opening the doors downstair. Johnny door opens and I can hear both me and Johnny's heartbeats clearly.

"We're the fuck is Julia!" My eyes widen knowing who that voice belonged to.


Hello guys! Sorry for not updating I started school and get a lot of homework but today I have it off so I updated for you guys. Enjoy and tell me what you think. Don't forget to comment and vote!

 Don't forget to comment and vote!

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