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The heavy rainfall and crowd of police officers outside Queen Technologies wasn't the way Felicity had hoped to start her workday, but after receiving the call from the head of security she had tried to mentally prepare herself for the potential headache that would follow. Diggle pulled the car to a stop outside the main entrance as Oliver jumped out into the rain and fumbled to open his umbrella for Felicity before she exited the car behind him. A moment later and Felicity darted from the car and stomped her way into the building, leaving Oliver a few steps behind her as he moved to catch up. Diggle stepped around the car and caught sight of the black Chevy Impala he had parked behind, taking note of the vintage model and wondering why it was parked alongside the police cars around it. Oliver moved quickly to keep up with Felicity's pace, admiring her dedication to her duties as CEO. The lobby was busy with police officers interviewing employees as Felicity charged in with Oliver and Diggle in tow.

"Miss Smoak!" Henry Bradford, Queen Tech's Head of Security began as he broke away from one of the many groups scattered around the lobby.

"Henry, what's the story?" Felicity asked, stopping as the man met her.

"During a security patrol this morning one of our guards came across a vent shaft that had been tampered with, upon further inspection we discovered that someone had broken into the building and accessed R&D." Henry explained, looking to everyone in the group as he spoke to make sure they all were caught up on the situation.

"Was anyone hurt?" Felicity asked, caring more about her employees well being more than company secrets.

"Thankfully no. Detective Warren is in charge of the investigation." Henry stated as he moved aside to allow the approaching Detective to greet the group. All three of the team members shuttered at bit at the sight of Warren, the Green Arrow wasn't exactly considered a friend to the police anymore and that was mostly due to the Detective. After finding Captain Lance dead in an alley with the vigilante standing over him with a bloodstained arrow in hand, Warren had set out to bring the Green Arrow down.

"Miss Smoak, it's good to see you again." Warren began, stopping before the group.

"Detective." Felicity managed to reply, still unsure how to act around the man wrongfully hunting down the love of her life.

"I'm assuming Mr. Bradford has filled you in with what transpired last night?" Warren began, waiting to see where he needed to pickup from.

"Yes, someone broke into our R&D through a vent?" Felicity replied.

"That's the theory were working off of now. From what we can tell they slipped through the vents starting from the parking garage and made their way to the floor they needed." Warren started, moving over to the nearby security desk with the others following.

"You're saying someone climbed up the ventilation shaft from the garage to the 45th floor?" Felicity asked, finding it difficult to believe that someone could do such a thing.

"So far we've found a series of strange punctures inside the vents starting at the garage and ending at R&D, as I said that's our first thought." Warren added, turning to ensure the CEO that he knew how to investigate a scene.

"It's not that I doubt your observation skills, it's just that I find it hard to believe someone could climb 45 floors straight up inside a very small space." Felicity explained, fearing she had insulted the Detective.

"Not to mention the fact that they'd have to free climb the entire way, since the vents aren't thick enough to support a magnetic climbing device." Diggle added, taking note of how impossible the task would have been.

"Well considering we live in a world where a freak in a red suit can run on water, I'm willing to guess that there's somebody out there who can climb forty-five floors without help." Warren remarked, his disgusted tone toward masked heroes painfully obvious. Oliver remained quiet, knowing he had no right to try and defend his or any other vigilantes' actions to a man who dedicated his life to upholding the law. Felicity shot the Detective a foul look at the disrespectful mention of Barry, not appreciating Warren's cavalier attitude toward speaking ill of masked heroes.

Arrow: Fracture Part 3Where stories live. Discover now