Shadow City

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The pristine white room was a welcome change of scenario, especially from the wartorn street that the team had barely survived earlier. The initial attack on the ARGUS convoy only took a matter of minutes, it was a textbook snatch and grab operation in Diggle's mind. The HIVE strike teams knew exactly where and when to hit the convoy, leaving little to no resistance when they grabbed their target. Diggle found himself struggling with the fact that HIVE had used the ARGUS intercept as a way to lure Victor into their grasp. The reality of a leak within ARGUS was becoming all to real for the team to want to admit, especially when Diggle's own wife worked in the organization. Thankfully the team knew each other well enough not to start a conversation about such matters, despite the relevance it could offer considering they had been locked in an ARGUS meeting room for nearly two hours. After the backup teams arrived they moved quick to take any survivors into temporary custody while the situation was sorted out. The long wait had the team concerned, normally the mention of Team Arrow would allow a certain amount of cooperation with ARGUS, but this time it seemed different. The opening door drew everyone's gaze as they waited, expecting Lyla to enter and explain what was happening. The familiar click of high heels however brought with it the realization that their rough day was only going to get worse. Amanda Waller stepped into the room with a stonefaced expression, the recent events obviously causing her many unwanted complications.

"What's going on Waller?" Diggle asked, his patience nearly gone. "You know what we're up against, so why don't you try and help us out for once?" He added, stepping back and forth beside the table. Waller shot a warning glance to the tall man and pointed a single finger upward. Diggle angled his brow in confusion. Oliver picked up on the subtle warning and spoke up.

"I believe we're entitled to a restroom break." He suggested, knowing that the room was bugged and their might be unwanted parties listening in.

"And a lawyer, depending on which article of the Patriot Act they're using against us." Felicity muttered, drawing Waller's unwanted gaze.

"If I so chose, you would long for the rights that the Patriot Act would give you." Waller politely threatened.

"Let's go for a walk." She added.
Waller lead the team along with a small security detail down the hallway and past several large situation rooms. A surprise stop at a blank section of wall caught the team off guard as they awaited an explanation. Waller gently placed her phone against the wall and activated a hidden panel within the surface. With a few taps on the keypad and a scan for the Alpha chip buried inside Waller's hand, a secret door slid open. Waller stepped into the elevator and motioned for the team to follow. The guards stood by as the team entered the elevator and descended into the hidden section of the ARGUS HQ.

"What the hells going on Waller?" Diggle asked, now more frustrated than before.

"We needed someplace secure to speak." Waller answered.

"So you chose a tiny elevator instead of your office?" Felicity said, still unsure what was going on. The elevator stopped and opened into a single hallway stretching straight into a dead end. There were no guards or any signs of life, only cell doors lining one side of the long hall.

"This is Dark's my prototype prison designed for metahumans, or anyone who knows too much." Waller began as she stepped along the hallway past the cells. The team looked on with disgusted expressions.

"Only four people have ever been inside that elevator, and one of them is me." Waller explained, allowing the statement to speak for itself and how secure the location was.

"Alright we get it. No one can hear us." Oliver began.

"What do you know?" He asked, stepping in front of Waller and making his urgency clear.

Arrow: Fracture Part 3Where stories live. Discover now