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The damp walls offered little in the realm of cover as the small amount of light appeared to reflect from them and poorly illuminate the dark sewer tunnels. The team carefully moved along the edges of the tunnel, making sure to stay as quiet as they could while avoiding the sludge on the ground all around them.

"Could somebody please explain to me why Starling City's main access points for telecommunications and electric grids are in the sewers?" Thea asked, clearly uncomfortable with her filthy surroundings.

"It's warmer down here in colder months, it's protected from the elements...and it's in a sewer, so nobody in their right mind is gonna come down here to mess with it." Diggle explained as he gently nudged a rat aside with his boot.

"And it's worked, until now that is. Riley's intel was right, any type of security system in place down there's been tampered with and I'm willing to bet that it's not a bunch of plumbers hoping to get some overtime." Felicity explained as she checked through the security systems for the tunnels, hoping to find any trace that would lead her to the perpetrators. The team heightened their alertness at the news of enemies actually being nearby as they moved down the tunnel, scanning for any threats as they continued. The path ahead split into three separate tunnels all branching off in different directions, causing the team to stop and survey the area before moving on.

"Alright, we're at some type of junction point. The tunnels branch off in three directions, do you have anything on schematics for us?" Oliver asked over the comm as he peered down the tunnels, searching for any signs of activity. Felicity quickly brought up a second window on her computer and accessed the layout of the tunnels before relaying it to the team.

"Looks like the two outter tunnels stretch to move along the old subway tracks while the middle one goes under an abandoned subway station. They should all meet up after that near the access points on the other aide of that station." Oliver planned out his strategy as he turned between the tunnels, his team keeping an eye out for any threats.

"Alright, let's split up. Thea and Diggle take the left, Roy and Riley on the right. I'll take the middle and sweep through the station, we'll meet on the other end." Oliver ordered as he turned to his team members to ensure the plan was clear to all of them.

"Mr. Diggle." Thea said with a smile as she motioned toward the tunnel.

"Miss Queen." He responded with a smirk as the two moved into the dark tunnel. Riley moved off ahead as Roy glanced back to Oliver and read his cautioning expression. Roy understood and nodded, knowing that this would be a good opportunity to study Riley's reaction to the situation and better help the team learn if they could truly trust him or not. Oliver watched as the others moved off before he entered the main tunnel and headed toward his destination. The darkness worsened as he reached the ladder leading up to the subway station, making his climb somewhat difficult as he carefully navigated the dirty rungs. The ancient maintenance hatch at the top of the ladder creaked as Oliver forced it open and cautiously climbed through it. He quickly scanned the area for threats before moving, taking in his surroundings as well incase things turned bad. The small hallway he had climbed into connected to the main platform where Oliver moved onto, stopping to search for any threats. The abandoned subway station sat vacant for the exception of a few bundles of cables and large wires, left behind by the telecommunication and electrical companies in the event that they would need to provide maintenance or add to the preexisting lines they had in the area. Oliver glanced from side to side as he moved across the platform toward the access points that he would meet his team at. A single HIVE agent carefully glanced around a pillar and watched as the Green Arrow moved away from his direction before disappearing into the darkness. The agent slowly moved around the pillar and readied his rifle while moving toward the vigilante in hopes to catch his off guard. The man quietly moved past another pillar and jolted back as Oliver leapt out from behind the giant stone arch, taking the agent by surprise. A quick swipe from his bow and the man dropped to the floor. Oliver looked around for anymore threats before turning back to the unconscious man and inspecting him and his gear to learn what type of threat they were up against. A subtle red light began flashing on the man's rifle just above his forward grip. Oliver noticed the light and inspected it, taking note of how the light began to flash faster with every passing second. Oliver's eyes widened as he jumped up and dove for cover just as the weapon exploded, shooting a ball of fire outward as it engulfed the agent. The force of the explosion shook dust off of the nearby pillars as Oliver climbed to his feet and shrugged off the force of the explosion.

Arrow: Fracture Part 3Where stories live. Discover now